50 Mother's Day Gifts Moms *Actually* Want

Moms deserve the world, so shouldn't they get the Mother's Day gifts they really want? No scented candles, please. No scented bath soaps. (What is it with scented gifts, anyway?) And—say it with us—no robes.
So, what do moms really want for Mother's Day? We asked, and our readers answered—loud and clear. Yes, we all want a tasty Mother's Day brunch and homemade Mother's day cards. But as for Mother's Day gifts? Hold the flowers, please.
Here’s what moms really want for Mother’s Day 2024. May this list of 50 Mother's Day gift ideas provide some much-needed inspiration!
The Top 5 Things Moms Want For Mother’s Day
On Facebook, we asked our readers what Mother's Day gifts they want this year. While there were loads of fantastic, disparate answers, there were five that were mentioned over and over. If you're not sure what to get the mom in your life, it's a pretty safe bet that she wants one (or all) of these things.
1. To Be Left Alone
This was the number-one answer among our moms! It seems 39% of mothers want time alone after two years of spending more time than ever with their brood. For some, this takes the form of a vacation (New York, Palm Springs, and Hawaii are the top destinations). Most specify a non-human companion (wine, chocolate, or a book are the most frequent requests), though some want a friend vacation. Children and significant others do not make the list.
Is a clean home really too much to ask for? Photo by Gabby K.
2. A Clean House
Cleanup in aisle... every aisle! Clean it up for us, please. About 31% of moms want their homes cleaned as their top Mother's Day gift. And they don’t want to do it themselves—not today, and probably not ever again. The kids can do it, their partners can do it, a house-cleaning service can do it. But Mama does not want to pick anything up.
3. Spa Time and Pampering
Carrying along with the burned-out theme: Approximately 22% of our moms said they want to relax at the spa for a massage, a mani-pedi, or—wait for it—a tattoo. (We love our readers.) And sneaky, sneaky—we all know that spa time also means alone time, so these mamas just scored two Mother's Day gifts.
Enjoy a cold beer in peace. Photo by Sally Brooks
4. Food (Preferably with No Consequences)
Moms told us what they’re craving: beer, wings, dip, chocolate, wine, crab legs, brunch, coffee (that is still hot and hasn't been microwaved), wine, Double Stuf Oreos, Chinese food, and more wine (lots of moms mentioned wine). Mothers also would like for these calories not to count. Tangentially relevant, several moms also said they want liposuction.
5. Sleep: Gorgeous, Glorious Sleep
Moms want sleep in any form—a simple nap, eight hours of uninterrupted slumber, the ability to sleep until they wake up by themselves, and even 24 straight hours of sleep. We are a tired clan. About 50% of our readers named sleep as part of what they would like, and the other 50% were too tired to remember that that’s what they want.
Other Things Moms Want For Mother’s Day
These are direct quotes that our readers shared with us on Facebook.
6. I want to see my own mom!
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Can't we all just get along? Photo by Sara Marentette
7. I want a day with no fighting. No bickering. No arguing. Just peace and quiet.
8. For my diastasis recti to magically heal itself
9. For someone else to host this holiday!
10. Homemade gifts and homemade cards
11. I can be with my family, but I can sit/lie down all day: no getting up for snacks, water, meals, or driving places!
12. A full night’s sleep, no cooking, a full-body massage, no screaming from kids, and my husband to take over my normal mom duties. So basically, I’m going to get a card.
13. For Mother's Day to be two days—Saturday and Sunday!
14. For my family to make happy memories together
15. A night in a hotel. It doesn't even have to be fancy!
16. Someone to meal-plan for like maybe the rest of my life
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This time you can ask the kids what's for dinner! Photo by Vicky Li Yip
17. A day when no one asks me what’s for dinner
Many moms want quality time with their kids, sans chores. Photo courtesy of Marie Bache
18. To spend more time with the kids—they grow up so fast!
19. Spending the day with family planting flowers in the yard
20. Sleep and lobster
21. A simple picnic where my kids would eat anything I wanted to eat that day without complaining or refusing to eat—that would be perfect.
22. Lunch from the food trucks along the waterfront and then going see the minor-league home team play
23. Sleep and being left alone. With wine and wings and fries...and unlimited dip. Maybe even a personal cabinet with my favorite snacks
24. Time truly off (with someone else covering my responsibilities, not just leaving them to pile up for me later) and a spa day with a massage and pedicure
25. Time to read and finish a book
26. Netflix, me, food...in a hotel by myself
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Spend the day doing what Mom wants—no ifs, ands, or buts. Photo by Vicky Li Yip
27. A day when we all do what I want
28. A relaxing brunch spread at home that I'm not responsible for making
29. Not having to make decisions about food or meals for the entire day!
30. An open calendar!
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Take a minute to chill on the beach. Photo by Vicky Li Yip
31. A beach with some sort of alcoholic beverage and not singing "The Wheels On the Bus"
32. Not to have to make any decisions––and sleep
33. The fall of the patriarchy (We really love our readers.)
34. Someone else to run my errands for me...and to do them correctly so I don't have to go out again!
Mother's Day Gifts Moms Mentioned They'd Love
35. A Rolls-Royce convertible
36. A Metallica t-shirt and a beer
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We dream of sun, sand, and ocean waves. Hawks Nest Beach Cottage photo courtesy of Airbnb
37. A beach house
38. Jewelry
39. Art
40. A Sunnydaze two-person rocking outdoor lounge chair with canopy shade and headrest pillow
Hey, some of us know exactly what we want!
41. Really nice sunglasses
I have had cheap ones for so many years while my kids were young and inadvertently broke them all the time. Now that my kids are teenagers, I want some flashy, expensive sunglasses!
A fancy pasta maker is a fun kitchen addition. Photo courtesy of Phillips
42. A Phillips pasta maker
43. An induction cooktop
44. Premium tickets to a baseball game, concert, show, or other event
45. Face time
And we don't mean the digital kind—many moms of grown children remind the rest of us that they really just want to see their kids. For them, just spending time with their kids is one of the best Mother's Day gifts of all.
Every mom needs a fantastic travel mug, and Yeti makes the perfect ones. Photo courtesy of the manufacturer
Other Mother's Day Gift Ideas
Still stuck? You can't go wrong with one of these great Mother's Day gifts.
46. A Yeti
Whether it's a coffee mug, a wine tumbler, or that perfect water bottle to bring to the gym, a Yeti in her favorite color will keep Mom's favorite beverage hot or cold.
47. A fill-in-the-blank book
Have the kids fill in everything they love about Mom and we guarantee she'll have (happy) tears in her eyes.
48. A Photo Printer
You know that mom who's always maxing out her phone storage? This handy printer will let her print out her faves so she can free up some space on her smartphone.
49. A subscription box
We love Cratejoy because the site has subscription boxes to fit just about any interest you can think of. Is Mom a fashionista? Try My Fashion Crate. Does she love wine? She'll get a kick out of Graham + Fisk's Canned Wine Club. Whatever you choose, a subscription box is one of those Mother's Day gifts that keeps on giving.
50. A Bogg Bag
There's a reason these large rubber-like beach bags kept selling out last summer—they're easily washable (just hose them down), they're tip-proof, and they hold everything families need for a day at the beach or pool. Plus, they come in a variety of fun colors, making them stylish enough for girls' trips. One Mommy Poppins editor gets compliments every single time she carries hers!
Whatever Mother's Day gifts you want this year, everyone here at Mommy Poppins really hopes you get it—plus some sleep. Lots and lots of sleep. Happy Mother's Day!
This article contains some affiliate links, which means we might earn a small commission if you make a purchase. There is no extra cost to the reader. We only recommend products and services that we have personally used or have thoroughly researched.
Additional reporting by Ally Noel