20 Easy Magic Tricks for Kids

Abracadabra! These videos teach kids how to do magic at home! Photo by Amina Filkins/Pexels
Abracadabra! These videos teach kids how to do magic at home! Photo by Amina Filkins/Pexels
2/15/22 - By Vanessa Leigh

Abracadabra! Hocus-pocus! Open sesame! With these easy magic tricks, kids can learn to impress their friends with some sleight of hand stunts. If you have a little magician at home, look no further than these easy magic tricks for kids: After watching the video and practicing a bit, coins will disappear, spoons will bend, and glasses will levitate.

Learning how to do magic is not just for fun; like brainy puzzle games, magic tricks keep kids thinking while they play. These easy magic tricks can boost confidence, improve fine motor skills, and spark a child’s interest and engagement in science, games, and much more.

Check out our At-Home Guide of 100s of Activities for Kids for even more ways to learn through play—like these Easy Science Experiments for Kids To Do at Home.


Easy Magic Tricks for Kids: Card Tricks

1. Easy-to-Learn Card Tricks

Magician Brandon Scott makes magic easy to learn with just 9 cards in this kid-friendly trick. He also incorporates spelling practice, so it's a two-for-one learning experience! Check out more from Brandon at Kids Magic School.

Related: How To Visit Hollywood's Famous Magic Castle

2. The Magnetic Hand

Another multi-card trick for kids to try is The Magnetic Hand. You can use the same cards as in the previous trick, but you'll need to make a gimmick card to perform this one. The video shows exactly how to do it.

3. How to Find Any Card in the Deck

Magician Michael O'Brien teaches a really easy magic trick for both kids and adults. In this detailed magic session, he shows exactly how to find any card with just one cut of the deck.

4. The Power of 4

An easy beginner card trick is all about the fourth card in the pile. One deck is enough to learn this new trick.

More Easy Magic Tricks for Kids: How To Do Magic

5. Cut and Restored Rope Illusion

Enjoy the theatrics of this video while learning how to make a knotted, cut-up rope whole again.

6. How to Turn Water Into Ice, Instantly!

Impossible Science's Jason Latimer not only shows kids how to make water freeze instantly; he teaches a science lesson about super-cooling using fun visuals and images.

7. Cups and Balls Routine

This classic magic trick is a great one to learn at home. All you need are some cups and balls (pompoms, M&M's, small fruit, or toys all work well).

8. Money Within Money

Take a $1 bill and a quarter, pull up a chair, and follow along with Magician Hudson to learn how to make money out of ... money!

9. Milk In Hat Trick

Got milk? Well then, all you need is a hat and plastic cups to complete this vanishing illusion.

10. Coin Vanish

A very detailed description of this coin vanishing trick helps to slow the process down for young learners. All you need is a single coin to get started.

11. Sugar Cube Magic Number

Gather some sugar cubes, a pencil, a cup of warm water, and a friend or family member. With these tools, kids can magically make a number appear on someone's hand.

12. PBS Kids Balloon Magic

PBS Kids' Mega Wow program teaches all about science by using balloons and ordinary items you have at home. Some adult supervision is recommended for these experiments.

13. Anti-Gravity Coin Trick

Impress your audience with this coin trick that makes it appear as if money has been pulled sideways from one hand to another, right before your eyes.

14. How to Bend a Spoon

Before enjoying that ice cream, try some sleight of hand with this bent spoon illusion. The video teaches a couple of ways to do this, using just a spoon or using a spoon and a nickel.

15. Glass Levitation

Ever seen a floating glass? This magic trick has a few gimmick parts to prepare beforehand, but it's definitely worth a try for the amazing magical outcome.

16. How Does the Arrow Do It?

Take a square piece of cardboard and a marker, and kids can soon impress an audience with this cool optical illusion.

17. Sweet Switch

Magician Matt Lemm uses everyday kitchen items to perform this trick. With a bit of preparation, this magic trick is also a terrific at-home craft activity for kids.

18. Disappearing Water Trick

HiHo Kids presents this trick that might make some adults nervous: It appears as if water is about to be spilled on a cell phone! But never fear, young magicians learn how to make the water disappear just in time. Note: this trick does require the purchase of Slush Powder, which is a substance that makes a liquid turn to gel instantly.

19. Coins and Paper Magic Trick and Tutorial

This visual tutorial guides kids through a visual illusion involving a small notepad, some coins, and a magnet.

20. Psychic Crayon Trick

It's great fun to be able to read someone's mind. A box of crayons and a notecard/sharpie are all the materials needed to complete this magic trick. If only parents could use this trick to figure out what kids want for dinner...

About the Author

Vanessa Leigh
Vanessa Leigh is a busy mom of three (including twins!), a Midwesterner turned East Coaster, and a chocolate enthusiast. She’s a copywriter specializing in Early Childhood and Motherhood, plus the creative force behind her Etsy shop. When she’s not writing or designing, you can find her indulging in dark chocolate peanut butter cookies at Levain Bakery. Connect with Vanessa at www.vanessaleighagency.com or browse her creations at MamaMagicByVanessa.etsy.com. She loves chatting with fellow parents—don’t hesitate to reach out!