Weekend Fun for Boston Kids - Groundhog Day, Earth Rocks, and More Feb 1-2

1/30/14 - By Audrey Trieschman

This is the weekend when we learn whether we will have six more weeks of winter or an early spring. And it all hinges on Punxsutawney Phil - will he see his shadow on Groundhog Day? Either way, we’ve got great activities for the weekend, both inside and out. In addition to local Groundhog Day celebrations at Drumlin Farm and Ipswich River sanctuaries, there’s an Earth Rocks family event at the Harvard Museum of Natural History, a performance by Vanessa Trien, a model ship exhibition opening, and more. And these activities don’t even interfere with game time!

Also on Mommy Poppins Boston this week:

Read on for our weekend picks, and enjoy!


Into the Woods - Arsenal Center for the Arts, Watertown
Fri 1/31 - Sun 2/2
Tickets $12

This fractured fairytale by Stephen Sondheim and James Lapine features a motley crew of characters including a blood-thirsty Little Red Riding Hood, a rapping witch, and an uncertain Cinderella. A cast of 9th-12th graders explores what can happen in the woods in this Broadway favorite. [Details]

Lunar New Year - Peabody Essex Museum, Salem
Sat 2/1
Free with admission

Welcome the Year of the Horse with performances, art activities, storytelling, gallery tours, and films. Highlights include the Gund Kwok Asian Women Lion and Dragon Dance Troupe leading the traditional Lion Dance (11am); a film set in Boston's Chinatown, sword play (2:15pm), and a traditional dance performance by The Chinese Folk Art Workshop (1pm). [Details]

Earth Rocks!: A Family Event - Harvard Museum of Natural History, Cambridge
Sat 2/1
Free with admission

Families can explore the planet from the inside, out. Learn how volcanoes and other earth processes help us understand Earth’s structure. Examine rocks, minerals, fossils and meteorites from the museum’s collections. Watch volcano demonstrations, examine real fossils up close, and learn about gems and birthstones. Even bring a mystery rock or mineral form home to be identified! [Details]

Annual Ship Model Show - USS Constitution Museum, Charlestown Navy Yard
Sat 2/1

Best of the Best - 2014 Ship Model Show features prize winning models from the past 10 annual shows. Explore over 100 handcrafted models of all sizes, types, and materials, and take part in a scavenger hunt or hands-on activity. [Details]

Winter Festival and Family Concert by Vanessa Trien and the Jumping Monkeys - St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Brookline
Sun 2/2
Adults $10; Children $8; Family max $30        

Join the fun at Clinton Path Preschool's pre-Super Bowl Winter Festival, including an hour of hands-on games and crafts, bake sale and silent auction, followed by a 3pm kids' concert by Vanessa Trien and the Jumping Monkeys. Kids can sing, dance, jump and activate their imaginations at this high-energy band show. Come for the whole event or just the show. [Details]

Kids' Shows: The Airborne Comedians - Coolidge Corner Theatre, Brookline
Sun 2/2
Adults $10; Children $8

The Airborne Comedians are two performers who’ve traveled the globe performing their high energy, unorthodox comedy juggling show to the delight of all ages. Dan Foley and Joel Harris throw and catch birdbaths, lawn-chairs, electric guitars and baseball bats in their hilarious juggling routines while balanced atop 6 and 7-foot high unicycles! A sure bet to make you laugh. [Details]

Groundhog Day - Drumlin Farm, Lincoln
Sun 2/2
Free with admission

Ms. G, Drumlin Farm’s resident groundhog, gives her forecast for the rest of the winter at the farm's Groundhog Day Celebration. Activities kick off at 10am with an up-to-the-minute woodchuck weather forecast from Ms. G. After Ms. G delivers her forecast, the Groundhog Day celebration continues with activities focused on native wildlife. Local meteorologists from WBZ-TV, NECN, and the Blue Hill Observatory are on hand from 10 am to noon, talking with families about the weather wonders of the seasons. Representatives from The Discovery Museum join the Drumlin Farm naturalists for a fun exploration of the science of winter. [Details]

Rolie Polie Guacamole - Brookline Music School, Brookline
Sun 2/2
Tickets $5

Rolie Polie Guacamole is a hip “kindie” band from Brooklyn, NY. The high energy, interactive shows are a mix of funk, rock and folk music mashed into original tunes about natural living, eating healthy and staying active. [Details]

Groundhog Day Extravaganza - Ipswich River Wildlife Sanctuary, Topsfield
Sun 2/2
Adults $9; Children $7

Ongoing activities throughout the afternoon include nature hikes, snow sculptures, a groundhog obstacle course, crafts, refreshments, and more. The official groundhog celebration takes place at 2pm in the barn. Dress warmly as many of the activities will be outdoors. Call to reserve your place. [Details]