Mad about Madagascar at the Bronx Zoo

10/1/08 - By Anna Fader


This weekend is going to be great zoo weather. Nice and sunny and cool, but the big summer crowds are gone. We visited the Bronx Zoo and had a great time. It made us wonder why we don't go there all the time.

The impetus for our visit was the new Madagascar exhibit. (I can't imagine where I got that idea from). And it was definitely worth the trip. While Madagascar isn't as dramatic as the Congo exhibit with it's amazing gorillas, it was fun for everyone and I gathered some tips for visiting the Bronx Zoo along the way.


Madagascar is housed in the historic Lion House building. The building was renovated to become a new green exhibit hall, but the landmarked facade was preserved and you can still make out the old cages that housed the big cats when I was a kid. I think it's interesting to point this out to our kids who have never really seen zoos that just keep animals in little cages, rather than roaming in replicas of their natural habitats.

Inside the building, they've recreated the three distinct eco-systems of Madagascar, the limestone tsingy caves, the rainforest and the spiny desert, each with the accompanying unique wild life of the area. Moving through the regions of Madagascar, you learn how the Wildlife Conservation Society (AKA Bronx Zoo) is working with the people of Madagascar to help preserve and protect this special slice of our planet and the unique species that live there.

Highlights of the Bronx Zoo's Madagascar are: HUGE crocodiles that you can see pretty up close, lots of lemurs, interactive exhibits for little kids and a corner full of hissing cockroaches (just as advertised).


We were there two weeks ago and it was crowded in spots, but doable. The only things I wish I'd done differently were:

Bring binoculars. The one downside to the animals being all treated well and able to roam is they are rarely nearby. But kids can get the real safari experience with their own pair of binoculars to spy animals and see them up close-ish.

Take allergy medicine before leaving home. I always forget that all that bat poop and closed rooms with furry mammals will bother my allergies just as much as cats and mice poop does.

Renew your membership beforehand. For a family, it just doesn't make sense not to get a membership. Membership is $120 a year and includes admission to the Bronx Zoo, Brooklyn Zoo, Prospect Park Zoo, and the Aquarium. But your one time visit with a family of four costs at least $52, plus any attractions, parking, etc. Even if you never come back, but visit the Central Park Zoo once or twice, you've already paid for your membership. You can get a membership once you are there, but if you drive you can't get your parking reimbursed, a hefty $12. So it's definitely worth it to plan ahead and get our membership before you go.

Some other deals you might not know about:

Wednesdays at the Bronx Zoo are Pay-What-You-Wish donation.

On weekdays, show your valid metrocard and get $3 off a second adult entry.

Children under 2 are always free.

To buy tickets, get directions, buy a membership or just see some of the additional info they have about the Madagascar exhibit, please click on the ads on this page and let them know Mommy Poppins sent you.

About the Author

Anna Fader

Founder of Mommy Poppins

A fourth-generation Brooklynite, Anna started Mommy Poppins in 2007 to help families find the best things to do with kids in NYC, with a particular emphasis on sharing activities that are free, affordable, and enriching. The site, used by millions of families, has grown to become the ultimate resource for parents in the major US cities, plus travel guides for 100s of destinations.

Anna is a believer in the magic of summer camps, traveling with kids, and that you can raise kids on a budget and still have a rich life full of amazing memories. Anna's first Mommy Poppins book, The Young Traveler's Journal and Activity Book, published in 2025 and co-written with her daughter, Amelia Eigerman, brings that ethos to life, in addition to this website.