The Ultimate Guide to Baby Shopping

3/20/07 - By Anna Fader
I've always wanted to write the ultimate post about what you really need (and don't need) to buy when you have a baby. I was all excited, thinking about how smart and practical I would be. People would admire my sensibility and straightforward advice. I would cut to the chase, disparaging all the silly, useless baby products people tell you you need to register for, but you don't really. It would be great. But while I was sitting around fantasizing about my great post, I stumbled across the one they've done at Rookie Moms and I realized that it was perfect. They had done it, created The Ultimate Shopping List: What to Register For and Buy, only with out the sanctimonious attitude I intended. Of course, I could New York it up a little, but I'm too discouraged right now. Maybe when my wounded pride recovers I'll give it a try. In the meantime, you can take advantage of the Spring Baby Sale at Amazon or now that you know what to buy. No thanks to me.


About the Author

Anna Fader

Founder of Mommy Poppins

A fourth generation Brooklynite, Anna started Mommy Poppins in 2007 to help families find the best things to do with kids in NYC, with a particular emphasis on sharing activities that are free, affordable, and highly enriching. The site has grown to cover the major US cities, plus travel guides for 100s of destinations.

Anna is a believer in the magic of summer camps, traveling with kids, and that you can raise kids on a budget and still have a rich life full of amazing memories. Anna's first Mommy Poppins book, The Young Traveler's Journal and Activity Book, published in 2025 and co-written with her daughter, Amelia Eigerman, brings that ethos to life, in additional to this website.