North Pole - various times
Virtual - various times
North Pole - various times
Virtual - various times
North Pole - various times
Virtual - various times
North Pole - various times
Virtual - various times
North Pole - various times
Virtual - various times
North Pole - various times
Virtual - various times
North Pole - various times
Virtual - various times
Spring Giveaway #5: Dear Edwina Tickets and Discount
As usual, toward the end of our giveaway events, things start to heat up a little bit. There's still time to enter our La Famiglia Dimitri Giveaway. This afternoon we'll be posting a Ringling Brothers Barnum and Bailey Circus giveaway, and tomorrow it's Thomas the Tank Engine. But right now we've got the critically acclaimed (and not just by my own discerning critics) Dear Edwina.
Dear Edwina is about a girl who has a rocking advice column she performs out of her garage. It is a great show with a great message and super songs. Check out our full review here. But if you want details on how to win four free tickets plus a discount code, click to read more. And stay tuned for the great giveaways coming up later today and this weekend.
Enter to win 4 tickets to Dear Edwina:
To enter this giveaway, leave a Dear Edwina comment on this post by Monday, April 6th at noon asking the one advice column question you've always wanted to ask or want to ask now. It can be a parenting question or not, NYC related or not. Please, one entry per person. One winner will be selected at random and notified by mail.
Get Discount Tickets to Dear Edwina with code DEPBOL1
This code can only be used a (not Telecharge). Good for $25 tickets (except Saturdays and Sundays at 1pm).
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