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North Pole - various times
Virtual - various times
North Pole - various times
Virtual - various times
North Pole - various times
Virtual - various times
North Pole - various times
Virtual - various times
North Pole - various times
Virtual - various times
North Pole - various times
Virtual - various times
News: Harry Potter Exhibit Returns, Youth Circus Performers Needed for Coney Island Show and The Scream Live in Person

Two scream-worthy exhibits are coming to town: A revival of the popular Harry Potter display at Discover Times Square, and Edvard Munch's signature painting, which is making its U.S. debut!
In other culture news, the Brooklyn Museum is making a big change to its free monthly First Saturdays parties. Plus we've got details about major G&T test changes, youth circus auditions and the return of the Boys Choir of Harlem.
The books have all been written, the movies have all released but you can continue to feed your Hogwarts obsession at the Harry Potter: The Exhibition, which returns to Discovery Times Square on Saturday, November 3. Tickets are already on sale but before you buy, be sure to read our review. Magically, admission (though still expensive) haven't gone up a cent since last time!
Think your kid's face looks scary during a tantrum? Wait until you get a look at Edvard Munch’s The Scream in person. The mystery owner of the 1895 incarnation of the iconic artwork (there are four versions—who knew?) is lending it to MoMA for six months beginning October 24. Not only is it the most expensive piece of art ever sold at auction (for a staggering $120 million), it will give kids a good idea of how you feel when they freak out.
We frequently recommend the free monthly First Saturdays at the Brooklyn Museum. But now a major part of the series, namely the dance party, has been indefinitely canceled reportedly due to rowdiness and overcrowding. Reactions have been mixed but it does make the First Saturdays potentially more little kid-friendly. We're curious to see how this shakes out.
Just a few weeks ago we rounded up children's choruses in NYC and now we hear one of the most famous ones—the Boys Choir of Harlem, which ceased singing in 2007—is about to make sweet music again. After a nasty scandal and financial woes, the choir is holding auditions October 15-17 and 22-24 for boys in fourth through twlefth grades. If you have a child interested in auditioning, call 914-584-6367 or e-mail to set up an appointment.
Earlier this year we posted about changes to NYC's Gifted & Talented test. Now we hear that the Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test (which replaces the Bracken School Readiness Assessment), will count for two thirds of a child's score while the Otis-Lennon School Ability Test will only make up 25%. Ah something new to prep for.
Finally, the Bindlestiff Cavalcade of Youth is looking for circus performers under age 21 for its performance in Coney Island on Sunday, November 4. Mommy Poppins editor Raven's daughter will be performing a hula hoop act (see the pic above). If your kids want to show off their skills, email show director Viveca Gardiner at with their name, age and act description to see about a slot.
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