North Pole - various times
Virtual - various times
North Pole - various times
Virtual - various times
North Pole - various times
Virtual - various times
North Pole - various times
Virtual - various times
North Pole - various times
Virtual - various times
North Pole - various times
Virtual - various times
North Pole - various times
Virtual - various times
Make: Recycled Confetti Bowl

Bet you had no idea how easily you could turn your paper scraps into pretty (and useful!) paper mache bowls. Well it's true. Any kind of leftover paper can be used: newspaper, wrapping paper, construction paper, junk mail, even bits of old magazines. Use different-colored paper for a confetti look, color coordinate, or even paint it once it's dry. Kids love feeling the paper mache and seeing how it magically hardens into a real bowl. Make a whole set!
½ cup of flour
2½ cups of water
Two bowls: one to mix the paper mache, the other to use as a form
Scrap paper
Plastic wrap
1. Prep: Cover the outside of your form bowl in plastic wrap, and cut or rip scraps of paper into strips.
2. In the other bowl, mix the flour and water together to create your paper mache paste; make sure there are no lumps. Then, dip each strip into the paste until it softens.
3. Drape the paper strips over the form bowl, overlapping the pieces until you have about three layers of paper covering the entire thing.
Your paper mache bowl may take a few days to dry. Make sure it dries completely before removing it from the form bowl to avoid tearing it. Use scissors to trim a clean edge if you'd like.
Show us what you make. Share it on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram and tag @mommypoppins so we can see your creations, too!
Kids' work is to play. WeeWork is a Mommy Poppins series offering an easy daily activity for grown-ups and children to do together, making kids' work an important part of your day. We aim to inspire together time, creativity and fun using only your imagination and things around the house. You can see all our WeeWork activity posts.