North Pole - various times
Virtual - various times
North Pole - various times
Virtual - various times
North Pole - various times
Virtual - various times
North Pole - various times
Virtual - various times
North Pole - various times
Virtual - various times
North Pole - various times
Virtual - various times
North Pole - various times
Virtual - various times
Monday's Quick Hits: Cave Home for Sale, the New Banksy, Michelle Obama, How to Say "No", and Brooklyn's Foodies!

Well, now even the cave dwellers are feeling the recession. That has to be proof positive that we’re in tough times. In Missouri, a Cave Home is facing foreclosure, so they’ve naturally put it up for sale on Ebay. It even has a stage that Ted Nugent played on once. Really? Wow. In happier news links, take a look at the portfolio of a ten-year-old graffiti artist some are calling the new Banksy, excerpts from the latest Michelle Obama interview (love her more and more…), 15 graceful ways to say no (but go ahead and say yes to reading them), and the NY Times coverage of Brooklyn’s newest top foodies. Checkit!
Have you always wanted 17,000 of fully livable space inside a cave to call your own? Good news, citizen – exactly that is up for grabs on Ebay, starting at $300,000. If you buy it please invite me over. I love the look of the cave home. (Uncrate)
A ten-year-old girl in the UK has been spray-painting her way to greatness. Part of her portfolio is here, and is totally worth checking out. She’s grabbing lots of attention for her style, has a piece on the Berlin Wall, and I definitely wouldn’t mind some of her flavor over here in my hood. Feast your eyes here. (Telegraph UK)
People magazine is doing a feature on Michelle Obama. She claims her marriage isn’t perfect, and that her daughters provide insights into her life. President’s Wives – Just Like Us! (via Mom Logic)
Someone better at saying “no” than me has put together a list of ways to gracefully get out of things. I’ve written down two of them and have practiced them in the mirror, so don’t ask me to do anything I don’t wanna do…. (On Simplicity)
Brooklyn has been up and coming for years now, and it seems its superstars of food have been named. Find out whom they are and what they have to say. (NY Times)
Jodi Nelson Call also writes at Pistols and Popcorn.
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