Links: MTV for Kids, Aretha's Hat, When it's OK to Lie or Swear, More

1/26/09 - By Jodi

There are so many opportunities to make New Year’s Resolutions, and you have one now. If you’ve already blown your fresh start you made on January 1st, why not take advantage of the Chinese New Year to start over?  After the jump, considerations for change.  First: be honest, what do you lie about – and why?  Second: do you swear in front of your children? Third: can you admit that you secretly want that hat Aretha was wearing?  Fourth: Still wondering when your children are going to grasp the idea of good manners? Fifth and sixth?  Curious?  Go get ‘em.



On average, adults lie four times per day.  Get the take on what is ok to lie about, and see if anything rings a bell.  (Shine!) @#$!  @##$!  %#$$@#  and not only that, @!*&#.  Know what I mean?  You do?  But would you say that in front of your child?  Moms weigh in on when and if it is appropriate to swear in the company of children.  (Momversation) I’ll admit it.  I was all choked up while watching the inauguration, until I saw Aretha Franklin's hat.  I was repulsed...and, yet, strangely attracted to it.  Turns out I’m not alone, find out the  the story behind the hat and who's trying to snag their own.  (New York Daily News) Ever wonder how to, or if you ever will, teach your children to have good manners? Get advice from two teachers who started a blog to share their educational tidbits that you can do at home. So you can up the ratio of “Please” and “Thank You” over “I want” and “Gimmmmmeee!!”too.  (Eensies) It's hard to keep up with what the kids are listening to these days. If your favorite part of Nick Jr is the videos between the shows, then you'll love which lets you watch a jillion kid’s music videos, without all those cartoon interruptions.   Find out more here. (Cool Mom Picks) Ahhhhh, Trunki where have you been all my airport-schlepping life?  If you travel and you have a child, check out this awesome suitcase/ride on.  You can send a thank-you note to my email.  And you’re welcome.  (Parent Hacks) Jodi Nelson Call also blogs at Pistols and Popcorn. Check her take on sorting out the truth about yourself here.