Live Video Chat With Santa Claus
North Pole - various times
North Pole - various times
Online AI & Coding Lesson for Kids & Teens
Virtual - various times
Virtual - various times
Live Video Chat With Santa Claus
North Pole - various times
North Pole - various times
Online AI & Coding Lesson for Kids & Teens
Virtual - various times
Virtual - various times
Live Video Chat With Santa Claus
North Pole - various times
North Pole - various times
Online AI & Coding Lesson for Kids & Teens
Virtual - various times
Virtual - various times
Live Video Chat With Santa Claus
North Pole - various times
North Pole - various times
Online AI & Coding Lesson for Kids & Teens
Virtual - various times
Virtual - various times
Live Video Chat With Santa Claus
North Pole - various times
North Pole - various times
Online AI & Coding Lesson for Kids & Teens
Virtual - various times
Virtual - various times
Live Video Chat With Santa Claus
North Pole - various times
North Pole - various times
Online AI & Coding Lesson for Kids & Teens
Virtual - various times
Virtual - various times
Live Video Chat With Santa Claus
North Pole - various times
North Pole - various times
Online AI & Coding Lesson for Kids & Teens
Virtual - various times
Virtual - various times
After these messages, we'll be right back…
- By Anna Fader
Sorry the posting came to a halt there. I've actually been tied up creating some exciting new advertising for one of my clients. So we'll be right back, after I get theses ads wrapped up.
I am going to try to get back to posting more often, but I also welcome and encourage readers to contribute. If anyone out there is interested in writing about living with kids in NYC, ideas of things to do or even general ideas on enriching our lives with children please email me.
In the meantime, while I've been neglecting you, my faithful readership, I did manage to write a piece for rookiemoms. It's part of their series called "A Week in..." and it's seven days of activities to do with babies and toddlers in NYC. Each day takes you to a different neighborhood and plots out a day's worth of activities in that particular 'hood. I think even if you live here you'll hopefully discover at least one activity that you hadn't thought of before. And as we all know, even ten minutes of entertainment when you're living in babyland can be a lifesaver.
In this time, I've also been rethinking the focus of the site...thinking perhaps it needs more of a clear focus. I guess you'd say right now it's all about urban parenting with a focus on living in NYC with kids--or whatever interests me that day. We've talked a lot about education, both specifically about schools, and generally about enriching ideas for activities. I've been thinking about gearing the site more toward education and enrichment would be more excursions and how to enjoy the resources of NYC to enrich our kids' lives and our own. I'd love to hear your feedback on the site and whether you'd like to keep it eclectic as it is or what you'd like to see more of. Even if this is the first time you are visiting the site, let me know what would bring you back for more. Email me or leave a comment.
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