North Pole - various times
Virtual - various times
North Pole - various times
Virtual - various times
North Pole - various times
Virtual - various times
North Pole - various times
Virtual - various times
North Pole - various times
Virtual - various times
North Pole - various times
Virtual - various times
North Pole - various times
Virtual - various times
Nature Wands Craft for Kids

My favorite thing about summer is how much time we spend outdoors, enjoying nature. These nature wands help keep the magic of summer alive a little longer. Nature wands are perfect for inspiring a little creativity and imaginative play. Got a stick? Then you have a Nature Wand! We used sticks that we had collected on a recent walk through the woods. We also collected some leaves, flowers, seeds, and grasses. We added a bit of extra sparkle to our wands by sorting through our left over craft materials and having a wee bit of fun with glitter, paint, ribbon and stickers. Made with creativity and loaded with the magic of nature, what could possibly be more powerful? Hazzah!
Large (wand-sized) Sticks
Nature Objects (leaves, flowers, petals, seeds, grasses, etc)
Glue Gun
Fine Gauge Wire (the easier to bend, the better!)
Optional: Paint Brushes / Ribbon / Glitter / Stickers
1. Take a nature walk to collect sticks, leaves, flowers and other materials (plus some craft supplies).
2. Decorate your stick with your found objects. We used several different methods to place our found objects on the wand. More experienced hands can use a thin wire to wrap the objects to the stick. Smaller fingers may have an easier time with glue and a paint brush. With adult supervision, a glue-gun may be your best bet. The idea of the Nature Wands to is to stimulate a child's natural curiosity to explore the natural world around him/her. This is a great open-ended craft to take outside on sunny day and watch their little imaginations soar!
Show us what you make. Share it on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram and tag @mommypoppins so we can see your creations too!
Find more fun things to do in Boredom Busters Activities Guide.