North Pole - various times
Virtual - various times
North Pole - various times
Virtual - various times
North Pole - various times
Virtual - various times
North Pole - various times
Virtual - various times
North Pole - various times
Virtual - various times
North Pole - various times
Virtual - various times
North Pole - various times
Virtual - various times
Four More Winter Vacation Camps for Preschoolers to Teens
Last week we wrote about two terrific winter break vacation camps that are offering Mommy Poppins readers significant discounts on their normal fees. This week we have four more camps for the President's Week Winter Vacation perfect for kids as little as three years old through teenagers.
Becket-Chimney Corners YMCA Winter Camp - Grades 2-9 Winter Camp runs from 3:00pm Sunday, February 17th, 2008 to 11:00am Saturday, February 23rd, 2008 / tuition $450 per child. A great way to find out if your kid is ready for sleep away camp while enjoying the beautiful Berkshires and all its winter wonder! While the focus of the camp is on character development, the activities include things such as cross country skiing and ice skating, winter ecology/nature studies and winter survival skills - but they also include the more subtle skills also learned at summer camp - how to reason with cabin mates, how to lead peers, how to cooperate and communicate well, and how to respect one another. Guggenheim Museum - Winter Break Young Artist Mini-Camp - Ages 10- 13 $275 ($250 for members), includes 5 sessions, all art materials, snacks, a family pass, and a CD-ROM with photos documenting the program. MON??“FRI, FEB 18??“22, 9:30 a.m.??“1 p.m. Children explore masterworks of art through a variety of drawing exercises in museum galleries and are introduced to new approaches and techniques to enhance their painting skills and personal artistic style in the Sackler Center studio art lab. To register, call 212 423 3637. Jewish Community Center's Presidents Week Mini-camps - Ages 3-6 Mon 18??“Fri 22, 9am??“1pm, 2pm or 3pm / ( Three-year-olds stay until 1pm, four-year-olds until 2pm, and five- and six-year-olds until 3pm) $85??“$105 per day. Kids will participate in sports, games, crafts, swimming, science activities and cooking classes. Since the winter sessions are similar to the center's summer day camp, this is a good opportunity for your kids to try out the program commitment-free. Unlike other camps, kids can attend on a per-day basis, giving you scheduling flexibility during your youngster's break. Snacks are provided for all campers. Chelsea Piers - Ages 3-12 Mon 18??“Fri 22, 8:45am??“3:30pm: $475. With a multi-sport camp, gymnastics camp (ages 5-12) and a holiday preschool gymnastics camp (ages 3-5), Chelsea Piers can keep your your whole troop busy and throughly exhausted during the winter break. The Multi-Sport Camp includes soccer, basketball, baseball, team handball, ice-skating, bowling and more. In addition to each camp's core curriculum, campers participate in other activities around the Piers, including ice skating, rock climbing and bowling.
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