Live Video Chat With Santa Claus
North Pole - various times
North Pole - various times
Live Video Chat With Santa Claus
North Pole - various times
North Pole - various times
Live Video Chat With Santa Claus
North Pole - various times
North Pole - various times
Live Video Chat With Santa Claus
North Pole - various times
North Pole - various times
Dava Sobel: The Elements of Marie Curie (A Free, Hybrid Lecture)
Zoom & at the Southampton Arts Center - 6:00 PM
Zoom & at the Southampton Arts Center - 6:00 PM
Live Video Chat With Santa Claus
North Pole - various times
North Pole - various times
Live Video Chat With Santa Claus
North Pole - various times
North Pole - various times
Live Video Chat With Santa Claus
North Pole - various times
North Pole - various times
New Email Program—Please verify your subscription!
- By Anna Fader
We've been having a lot of problems with our emails lately. I know that the subscription form was not working for a couple of weeks. So if you tried to subscribe and never got any emails, I'm sorry. We just switched to a new email program and the subscribe by email form is fixed. If you had trouble subscribing in the past or have not been receiving emails, please try to subscribe again. And if you have any problems please feel free to email me at: .
If you are already a subscriber you will be getting an email asking you to verify your subscription. Please verify so that you can continue to receive our emails through the new program.
The new service has some great new features. One of the main requests I received when asked what changes people wanted to see with the site was that the emails we send out be labeled with the headline of the post in the subject of the email. The new service can now do that. Hooray!
So, again, please verify your subscription so that you can continue to receive our emails. I will not shut down our feedburner emails for a couple of days to make sure that the transition goes smoothly. I apologize in advance if you receive double emails for one or two days or if anything else goes haywire as we transition into the new system. People that subscribed last week have already been using the new service and have had to live through some growing pains of my initial learning curve. Thank you for your forbearance.
PS. About 100 RSS subscribers got lost when we moved our site a couple of weeks ago. If you are an RSS subscriber and the feed is not updating in your reader, you may want to sign up again too although I will try to fix this problem if I can.
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