North Pole - various times
Zoom & at the Southampton Arts Center - 6:00 PM
North Pole - various times
North Pole - various times
North Pole - various times
North Pole - various times
North Pole - various times
North Pole - various times
Linkin B'logs: Daylight Savings Rant and Advice, G&T Info Sessions, Voting With Your Kids and More
The time change has always really bothered me, but now that I have a toddler, I have all new reasons to rage against it. Getting to bed an hour earlier is good but as I sit here on Sunday night eating confiscated Halloween candy and watching CNN, I can only pray that the new 5AM wake up doesn't last long. But, as long as you are waking up early this week, I have some advice - bring your kids to vote with you on Tuesday and go early. Polls open at 6AM and word is that the lines are going to be really long this year so get there at 6AM and then head to your local Starbucks for a free coffee. More on all that plus info on NYC gifted and talented programs, the cheapest local supermarkets, Palin's prank call and more
Gifted and Talented. Last week I wrote about the new G&T programs that will open in Queens and Brooklyn. This week, the DOE will hold info sessions in Manhattan and Queens where you can learn more about getting into G&T programs plus posts all the forms and deadlines for applying. Note, deadlines for the required testing for Kindergarten and 1st grade programs are coming up soon. And the NY Times reports on why the number of kids enrolling in G&T programs is dropping.
Politics gets Silly. Salon ponders the whole 'Obama is a socialist' argument, Sarah Palin gets prank called by a Canadian radio station and Gawker sizes up McCain's job on SNL, clips included.
Voting Perks. Some apolitical advice from the Daily News on taking your kids into the voting booth and Strabucks offers free coffee to anyone who voted (if you don't feel like watching their commercial, all you need to know is that you can go in at any time on Tuesday and tell them you voted to get your coffee).
Coping. New York Magazine does a comparison of local supermarkets to let you know which is the cheapest and The NY Times Parenting Blog offers advice on how to adjust kids sleeping schedule to daylight savings. Can someone give me some advice on how to adjust to the fact that it now gets dark at 5PM?
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