North Pole - various times
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North Pole - various times
North Pole - various times
North Pole - various times
North Pole - various times
North Pole - various times
North Pole - various times
Mommy Wars Rage in the News: Strollers vs Slings, Journalists vs Mom Bloggers, Breast Milk Gouda, More
Ah, Spring! This week we saw the weather warm up and temperatures rise over a slew of sensationalist reporting in the parenting arena. Not sure what's going on, but even the paper we expect to be above this garbage is dishing it up. Is it Spring Fever, the loss of that extra hour of sleep, or a desperate attempt to compete with snarky online media vehicles? Whatever the reason, we hope they screw their heads back on straight. In the meantime, here's what everyone is in a lather about:
Mommy Blogger Outrage — Jennifer Mendelsohn wrote a piece for the NY Times about "Mommy Bloggers" who are trying to go pro with their blogs and unleashed a sh*tstorm of backlash from the mommy blogo- and twitto-sphere. Perhaps it was the inflammatory headline, "Honey, Don't Bother Mommy. I'm Too Busy Building My Brand." or the even more infuriating illustration (above) depicting women glued to their devices, ignoring their angry mini-men or just the general impression that these businesses are somehow less legit because they are being pursued by moms rather than men, while others skimmed over the lede and saw the respectful reporting on a growing and powerful medium.
Would You Like Some Breast Milk Cheese On Your Burger? – Reactions to the news that a Chelsea chef was using his wife’s breast milk to make cheese for his restaurant’s dishes ranged from intrigue to utter disgust. The response was so overwhelming that The New York Post had to do a follow-up story with Lori Mason, who insists her breast milk is safe and healthy to eat. Still, could you bring yourself to eat human cheese?
Strollers vs Slings – Earlier in the week, the Times referenced a hyperbolic scene from film "Away We Go", where a comically crunchy Maggie Gyllenhaal compares using a stroller to child abuse, in order to make the increased interest in baby carriers seem like some fanatical movement. It couldn't possibly be that parents like slings and carriers cause they are more convenient in many circumstances, and, heck, having your baby up by your face makes it easier to smell (and kiss) their delicious little heads.
Opting For a Lotus Birth – In more parents are freaks news, WCBS 2 this week reported on the growing trend of lotus births, where mothers opt not to cut the umbilical cord but rather wait until it naturally falls off. Advocates say it’s “the most natural thing in the world” while the medical community says it could lead to complications.
Vision Therapy to Treat Learning Disabilities – And more questionable medical reporting: Parents of children with learning disabilities are turning to behavioral optometrists who may be able to help a child with attention, coordination or learning issues. Doctors are careful to say that it won’t cure true cases of ADHD or other disabilities, but for children who may be misdiagnosed, significant help could be just a few eye exercises away.
Off-The-Books Nannies – Finally, The Brooklyn Paper reported on a study that found only 14% of nannies are paid on-the-books in Park Slope, meaning at least 86% of nannies may not be getting any benefits or paying taxes. Most parents say filing taxes for nanny salaries is simply too difficult.
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