North Pole - various times
Zoom & at the Southampton Arts Center - 6:00 PM
North Pole - various times
North Pole - various times
North Pole - various times
North Pole - various times
North Pole - various times
North Pole - various times
Wednesday Quick Hits: New Meaning for a Smoking Jacket, Lunch Bag Art, The Moth, Table Manners for Kids and More!
While my son's lunchboxes are getting more and more uh...personality (?) with each day, I've found a man that actually does give some character to his children's lunch bags. He decorates a new one every day, with input from the kids. They are awesome and I'm betting those kids are the ones everyone else wants to sit next to. Also, today - speaking of food - how about finding a site devoted to the most delicious and disgusting food combinations entitled “This is Why You're Fat”. It's at least good for 5 seconds of laughter/disgust. And to stimulate you cerebrally and creatively, I submit Fiona Carswell. She's awesome, and that's all I'm telling you about her. If you don't take the time to check out her thought provoking and incredibly creative projects, it is truly your loss. These links and more brought to you today by ME! So go check them out, yo!
Getting to the point. When something is super cool and you need to share it with your audience, not many words are needed. Lunch Bag Art. Every day, a new bag designed for his kids. Go see it and then thank me later.
My 12-year-old niece first showed me this website and I thought she was trying to tell me something. It's all about "deliciously gross food". But now I keep running into it and have had to embrace it. Go check it out. You'll find it eventually anyway, and it is funny. Hopefully none of it will be too familiar. (This is Why You're Fat)
Fiona Carswell has a masters from the ITP at NYU and a bachelors in Art History from KU which means she is a total smarty pants. But moreover, she makes the very coolest smoking jacket I've ever seen. It actually has lungs, which fill up with the exhaled smoke sewn into the design, which blacken over time. Check out her other projects here. (Fiona Carswell)< >
Looking for a night out without the kids? But not interested in a movie or a bar? Try scheduling a date to attend The Moth. It’s a not-for-profit storytelling organization with performers such as Ethan Hawke, Margaret Cho, Janeane Garofalo, Lili Taylor, and Moby among many others. Get more info and dates here. You can also listen to podcasts of their story performances online.
And, for no personal reason whatsoever, I've happened across this gem of a list. "The List of Table Manners that Every Child Should be Taught". Do yourself a favor and just print it and begin tonight. Life will be easier afterwards. Except the no passing gas at the dinner table without laughing rule. Not In my house. (List Mama Blog via
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