Linkage: Top Children's Books, New Breast Cancer Research, More

2/7/09 - By Jodi
200902061758.jpgDo you have a parenting story to tell?  Click to find out how to share your story and possibly have it reenacted by Megan Mullally and Cheryl Hines.  Also:  where to share your secrets and read other peoples', stuff we already knew now backed up by science, new information on Breast Cancer and don’t miss this year’s award winning books. Do it!


“In The Motherhood” is a new TV series based on real experiences from real parents.  Like you!  Yes, you.  They’d like you to contribute your stories, to possibly be used in the series.  Tell it here.

If your experience isn’t all that funny but you’d still like to get it out there, to the world, try Post S ecret.  This site posts people’s secrets as they are mailed to the host.  Listen, it’s totally cheaper than therapy and maybe just as good?

The scientists have been hard at work giving us reasons to stop managing every second of our child’s time.  It turns out that imaginative and rambunctious “free play” as opposed to structured activities is the most essential type.  So set your children free and take some time to read up on it here.

More news has emerged regarding Hormone Therapy’s link to Breast Cancer.  Stay informed here.  (Jezebel)

Every year a smattering of awards come out for the best children’s books.  Cool Mom Picks rounds them up here.  Get your credit card (or library card) warmed up and check them out!

Jodi also writes at Pistols and Popcorn. Don't miss her latest piece, “Judgment Day on the Subway”.