Where to go and what to call it, dealing with debt, and did Rhianna deserve it

2/23/09 - By Jodi

DSC00525.jpgOk ladies let’s talk.  Let’s all just admit that when it comes to using public toilets or when we’re camping that we wish - even just a little bit- that we were built like the boys.  One inventive entrepreneur has come up with a solution, so they claim.  Speaking of boy parts and girl parts, how do you speak of them?  Do your children know the clinical names or nicknames?  This compelling matter along with a few more links including the disturbing trend for young girls to blame victims for domestic violence, some ideas for paying off credit card debt and find out which neighborhood is becoming the hottest place for new families.  This is the good stuff, right here!


Go Girl has begun marketing a funnel system to assist in those nasty situations where you’d rather not sit or squat but stand as far away as possible.  Would you try this?

While we’re on the topic of, eh….hmmm….how should I say this?  Well, here are ten names to give your daughter for her you-know-what.  Of course, you can always just say vagina, but that’s nowhere as cute as “scheide”. (Strollerderby)

Most people have heard about the battery case involving Chris Brown and Rhianna.  Surprisingly, however, are the Chicago Tribune’s findings that teen girls are blaming Rhianna.  (Chicago Tribune)

Frugal Dad has some advice on eliminating your credit card debt.  I know right now that’s some advice I could use.  Give it a shot here.  (Frugal Dad)

Watch out, Park Slope, The New York TImes has declared a new "Diaper District." Find out where it is. (NY TImes)

Jodi Nelson Call also writes for Pistols and Popcorn.  Check out her latest brainstorm here.