25 Good-to-Know Tips for New Parents in New York City

Whether you moved here as a 20-something, or are a lifelong New Yorker, you might think you've got this city figured out. After all, you know the ins and outs of roommate searches, you can score theater tickets on the cheap, or find the nearest happy hour or trendy bite to eat with the blink of an eye, but once you become a parent, New York City is a foreign land.
I've been in your shoes, going from a carefree young professional to a diaper-bag-toting mom seemingly overnight. Really, it was nine months of staring down my "new" New York while fighting off morning sickness and simultaneously searching for birthing spots, pediatricians, daycares, and baby gear. That was (ahem) 16 years and three kids ago...so I've picked up a few tricks and tools of the trade.
Here are 25 nuggets of NYC new parent advice. Find more baby and new parent hacks in our NYC Pregnancy and Baby Guide.
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1. Beware the Gear
My firstborn didn't have a bedroom; he had a corner of the living room. All we really needed when he came home from the hospital was a crib, a dresser with a changing mat on top, and a safe place for him to sit. Here are our best tips for paring down the essentials when you're living in a tiny space.
2. Explore New Places
The city was your playground before baby and there's no reason to stay cooped up inside. Hop on the train and get out there to explore everything from your favorite parks to more under-the-radar fun places to see with baby.
3. Invest in Laundry Supplies
Whether you're lucky enough to have a washer and dryer in your unit, your building, or have to schlep to a laundromat, know there are lots of dirty clothes in your future. The one tip I remember from my newborn care class so many moons ago: Invest in one of those mesh lingerie bags and toss all those tiny socks and booties in it come wash time. You'll save yourself the headache of keeping track of them from washer-to-dryer to folding time, and they're super easy to pair up at the end.
RELATED: 20 Things To Do With NYC Babies Before They Turn 1
Learn how to wear your baby and what the best baby-wearing gear is for you.
4. Wear Your Baby
Speaking of which, I wore all three of my babies and stepped out with them as soon as we were free of the hospital. A ring sling was my go-to in the early days, and an Ergo carried us well into toddlerhood!
5. Function Over Fancy
Those fancy diaper bags are for the birds. I tried about 27 different styles in search of one that fit baby's gear and my own. My favorite combo ended up being whatever hot mama bag I was carrying at the moment with a foldable changing pad-and-wipes holder stowed inside. Other than that, I carried a change of clothes for the baby and—often overlooked—a clean shirt for me. Trust me, when spit-up becomes up-chuck, you'll be grateful.
6. Order Online and Delivery
Some things are worth paying for. Amazon Prime is, of course, a staple. Instacart and Fresh Direct make grocery shopping a breeze, and many local stores deliver for a nominal fee if you just can't stomach the idea of someone else picking out your produce.
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A meal kit will simplify your life on those busy baby days. Photo by Mommy Poppins
7. Keep Outsourcing
Other great outsourcing tasks include laundry, meal kits, and diapering services.
8. Measure and Plan for Stroller Space
A good stroller is everything. Besides homing in on your budget, consider where you'll store it (closet, lobby, hallway, trunk), as well as how much you plan to tote it on the subway. We've got a full stroller shopping guide here. Beware: If you live in an older elevator building, you'll want to measure the elevator door to make sure your choice fits inside; this is especially important if you're considering a double stroller.
9. Plan Ahead for Feedings
When you're heading out, know that you can breastfeed anywhere you're legally allowed to be, whether or not you shield your infant behind a cover-up. NYC also has a slew of lactation rooms if you prefer more privacy. Bottle feeding? Always pack extra, just in case.
10. Find the Freebies
Put all those ongoing freebies and baby events into your calendar stat. Many museums are FREE for babies and toddlers, and some even offer stroller tours.
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Know your subway elevators! It's a lifesaver when traveling with a stroller. Photo courtesy of the MTA
11. Locate Subway Station Elevators
Look at the ubiquitous subway map through a new lens; you'll want to locate elevators along your route, but always anticipate them not working. Strangers are generally willing to lend you a hand, too, if you're willing to accept it.
12. Always Leave Early
You'll need extra time for feedings, diaper changes, and other unexpected occurrences.
13. Enjoy a Coffee Break
Coffee shops, winter gardens, and these early-riser spots all offer a place to hang when you need to get out. Even beer gardens can be an option!
RELATED: 30+ Fun Mommy-and-Me Classes in NYC for Kids
Take a class with baby to meet other new parents. Photo courtesy of Mommy and Me Fitness NYC class
14. Take Care of Yourself
The old "sleep when the baby sleeps" advice is good, but often unattainable. Take advantage of your partner to squeeze in a power nap or an extra-long shower, sign up for a baby-and-me class, or just go for a long (baby sleep-inducing) stroll through one of our favorite parks.
15. Meet New Friends
If you're the first in your crew to have a baby, you just might be searching for a new peer group. Consider joining a local group for a meetup. You'll find like-minded families, get some in-the-know tips for your 'hood, and maybe even find your parenting BFF! Having a friend who's been on the parenting road a wee bit longer than you can be invaluable when you have that urgent question that seems just a little too silly to call the answering service at the pediatrician's or your mother who lives cross country.
16. Prepare for Potty Training
As you eye potty training, invest in a portable potty. Stow it in the bottom of your stroller and take the stress out of the last-second, gotta-go announcement from a toddler.
17. Book a Car With a Car Seat
Hailing a cab to head to grandma's, the pediatrician's, or elsewhere? Plan in advance and book a car service with car seats. You'll save yourself the hassle of schlepping a car seat.
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Read, babble, and otherwise chat up your little one for some quality one-on-one time. Photo by Bigstock
18. Talk, Read, and Sing to Baby
You're writing your child's life story; don't forget to narrate it. I talked to my kids all the time, about everything we were doing, strangers' stares be damned. The banter of our daily routine added an extra special level of connection to those early, lonely days. Thumbs up for singing and reading picture books, too!
19. Optimize Your Smartphone
For life with a baby in the city, you can follow tweets about subway cancellations, get weather forecasts, look up museum hours, find something to do on the Mommy Poppins Family Activity Calendar, entertain baby with animal flashcard apps while in line at the store, and take pictures of your sweet baby going about their NYC day, then email them to the doting grandparents. Better yet? Start a photo stream just for the baby if you all have iPhones, or periodically take all those photos and print out an easy Shutterfly or Google photo book.
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Hit up your local spray park to cool off with baby. Photo by Meagan Newhart
20. Have Fun at the Spray Parks
In the summer, always carry snacks, drinks, a bathing suit, and a terry cloth dishtowel, so you can stop in at the sprinklers any time. And don't be shy—your baby will probably require holding, so you're going to have to take a dip in the cooling spray, too.
21. Make a Baby Bucket List
New York is a whole new city with a little one in tow. What experiences are you dying to introduce your baby to? Sure, they might not remember it, but you can get some cool photo-ops and quality time in. Need inspiration? We've put together a list of 20 things to do before the baby turns 1.
22. Plan a Trip Nearby
Take your explorations outside city limits: Westchester and the Hudson Valley, Long Island, New Jersey, and Connecticut all offer day trips and longer getaways. The kids get excited by the train ride (Metro-North, NJ Transit, or LIRR), so the commute becomes part of the fun!
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It doesn't take much to entertain a baby. Photo by Mommy Poppins
23. Stock up on Indoor Activities
Rainy, dreary, or snowy days are going to happen, so keep this list of baby-friendly sensory games and activities handy for days when you just can't make it out the door but need some new entertainment.
24. If You Need Help, Ask!
New Yorkers love to offer opinions, directions, and an extra set of hands if you speak up.
25. Trust Your Intuition
Listen to the advice of others, but trust yourself above all. There will be plenty—about socks, sunscreen, and hats; whether baby is over- or under-bundled; how you should offer baby a bottle and give yourself a break; how breast is best; and so. many. more. things. You can listen to it, but you don't need to follow it. Mother and father know best; trust your instincts and go with what works best for your family.
A version of this article was first published in 2010, but it has since been revised and updated.