Cloth Diaper Services and Diaper Delivery Services in NYC

Cloth diapers can be intimidating, but these local shops and services make the cloth diapering journey easier for NYC families.
Cloth diapers can be intimidating, but these local shops and services make the cloth diapering journey easier for NYC families.
1/23/24 - By Vanessa Leigh

Cloth diapers for babies have come a long way. Besides the washing and care of cloth diapers, one of the biggest stumbling blocks for cloth diaper newbies is the enormous number of options: snap or Velcro closures, wool or fleece covers, pre-fold, contour, or fitted diaper inserts. We’ve rounded up great cloth diapering resources for NYC families interested in exploring this eco-friendly alternative to disposable diapers, including informational classes.

As you're contemplating the best diaper subscription for your family, consider adding these cloth diaper services in NYC to the mix. We're also including information on two of the most parent-loved cloth diaper wash-and-fold diaper delivery services because many NYC families live without a washer or dryer. Not sure which style or brand of cloth diaper is right for your little one? We even found online stores offering cloth diaper trial deals where you get to sample many cloth diaper styles before settling on the perfect fit.

Looking for more baby services or classes in NYC? Bookmark our NYC Baby Guide, which is loaded with new-parent tips and our baby bucket list for the quintessential things all NYC babies must do before their first birthday.


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Cloth Diaper Delivery Services in NYC


Service Area: Manhattan, Brooklyn, the Bronx, Mount Vernon, Bronxville, and Queens neighborhoods with zip codes starting with 111 or 113, plus select northern New Jersey neighborhoods
Diaperkind has risen to become the top supplier of cloth diapers in the NYC area. Based in Gowanus, Brooklyn, Diaperkind supplies, launders, and delivers cloth diapers to your door once a week. Clients are responsible for buying and maintaining cloth diaper accessories such as diaper covers and diaper pails. Items can be purchased from Diaperkind or elsewhere, but the company makes recommendations on brands and special detergents for washing diaper covers. Bonus: It also offers how-to classes, both in-person and virtual. Deliveries and pickups are weekly and include laundered fitted or pre-folded diapers.

Loop x Charlie Banana

Service Area: Statewide
Charlie Banana cloth diaper products are available in stores all over the world. While you may have seen some cloth diaper starters at your local Target, the great news is that this company also delivers cloth diapers right to your front door. Charlie Banana works in coordination with Loop to give families a cloth diaper rental plus cleaning service. Like other cloth diaper rental companies, Charlie Banana and Loop offer rental options and materials for a weekly fee. You can opt to either clean the diapers yourself or send them back by choosing the cleaning option when signing up.

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Cloth diapers in NYC:
No matter which service you choose, a collection of cloth diaper covers are a must!


Service Area: Online, Nationwide
Esembly is another online cloth diaper service that allows parents to shop items a la carte or sign up for a subscription for body care products. Through the Esembly website, you have the option to sign up for a Try-It Kit that allows you to try out cloth diapering. If it's a fit, Esembly offers a build-your-own cloth diaper bundle so you can purchase the supplies you need.

Cloth Diaper Tryout Companies for NYC Families

Diaper Lab

As the name implies, Diaper Lab is serious about diapers. With tons of cloth diaper information and tutorials, this Massachusetts-based business is dedicated to providing cloth diaper information, resources, and supplies. To help families sort through the many options, Diaper Lab offers several starter kits that include a variety of cloth diaper products.

Jillian’s Drawers

Ithaca-based Jillian’s Drawers offers a 21-day cloth diaper trial program where families may sample a wide selection of cloth diaper products to find what works best. After 21 days, washed products are mailed back to the company (and not re-used); customers can keep whatever they like. Jillian’s Drawers offer store credit for the returned products.

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Cloth diapering can be intimidating. Try a cloth diapering class before bringing home your newborn. Photo courtesy of Wild Was Mama.

Cloth Diaper Classes in NYC

Cloth Diapering 101 with Diaperkind – Greenpoint, Brooklyn

This class, offered at the Greenpoint location of Wild Was Mama, provides an overview of cloth diaper styles, including the pros and cons of each, and examines everyday questions such as how many diapers are needed, how to deal with soiled diapers, best washing practices, and more.

Cloth Diapering 101 – Online

Hosted by cloth diaper delivery service Diaperkind itself, this primer class covers all the bases including cloth diaper options and styles, budget and lifestyle considerations, home washing instructions, and more. Shop the Diaperkind store online for supplies after the class or sign up for the delivery service, as highlighted above. FREE

Cloth Diapering 101 – Online

Esembly, the same company that allows you to build your own cloth diapering bundle also offers this free online workshop with the Esembly founders. You'll learn the basics of cloth diapering, such as how to use the products and how to clean them. If you take part in the class, you'll also receive a 20% discount on your first order. FREE

Originally published in 2016.

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About the Author

Vanessa Leigh
Vanessa Leigh is a busy mom of three (including twins!), a Midwesterner turned East Coaster, and a chocolate enthusiast. She’s a copywriter specializing in Early Childhood and Motherhood, plus the creative force behind her Etsy shop. When she’s not writing or designing, you can find her indulging in dark chocolate peanut butter cookies at Levain Bakery. Connect with Vanessa at or browse her creations at She loves chatting with fellow parents—don’t hesitate to reach out!