10 Boston-Area Fitness Classes for Moms and Babies

8/23/16 - By Elyse Andrews

Life with a new baby can be hectic—between round-the-clock feedings and sleepless nights, it can be hard to fit in a shower. However, after those first few weeks, many new moms want to start exercising again. Several local fitness studios offer mom and baby workout classes so new moms can take care of themselves and keep their babies close at the same time. The classes run the gamut from pilates and barre to running and stroller sessions—mom and baby yoga classes are featured in another post.


Asana Charlestown
Class: Mom & Baby Barre
Location: Charlestown
Mom and Baby Barre at Asana Charlestown is open to moms and their babies who haven’t yet started crawling. The classes incorporate elements of pilates and barre for a total body workout in a supportive environment.

Baby Boot Camp
Location: Brookline, Beverly, Stoneham, Winchester, Woburn
With several locations in the Boston area, there’s bound to be a Baby Boot Camp workout near you. The STROLLFIT classes are 60 minutes of cardio, strength and stretching exercises for moms and their babies or any stroller-aged children.

Barre N9ne
Class: Baby Barre Mommy & Me
Location: Danvers, Woburn
Moms and their non-mobile babies are welcome at Barre N9ne’s Baby Barre Mommy & Me classes. These ballet barre exercises are designed to increase strength and balance while incorporating baby into the workout. Stay tuned for Barre Tots, a toddler barre class, that may be returning soon.

Beverly Athletic Club
Class: Mommy and Me Pilates
Location: Beverly
Get a full body workout, meet other moms and spend time with your baby at Mommy and Me Pilates at the Beverly Athletic Club. The workouts are crafted specifically for new moms and a relaxed setting means nursing, diaper changes, and fussy babies are the norm.

Image courtesy of Baby Boot Camp, which offers classes at several locations near Boston.

Fit Mamas Newton
Class: Running/Track Workouts
Location: Newton
Fit Mamas Newton is the only running-focused workout the list, but it’s not your typical running group. All workouts take place on a track so moms can bring their babies and children to be watched by babysitters. Or you can make your workouts extra tough by running with your baby in the stroller.

Class: Mommy and Me
Location: Boston
It only makes sense that Healthworks, a gym dedicated entirely to women, would have both pre- and postnatal fitness classes. Mommy and Me is a muscle conditioning workout, which sometimes incorporates cardio, that’s designed specifically for new moms and their non-crawling babies.

Mama & Me
Class: Postnatal Pilates
Location: Jamaica Plain
Once your baby reaches six weeks old—and you’re cleared to workout—you can head to Mama & Me in Jamaica Plain for its Postnatal Pilates class. The low-impact workouts are designed to  strengthen your core while you bond with your baby and connect with other new moms.

Oh Baby Fitness
Class: Stroller Workout
Location: Hingham
Oh Baby Fitness offers a Stroller Workout so mom can exercise with her baby or child (from 4 weeks to 4 years old). The classes, which take place in Hingham, are a modified boot camp that offer a total body workout.

The Energy Barre
Class: EB Mama & Baby
Location: Beverly, Medford, Stoneham
The EB Mama & Baby classes at The Energy Barre focus on targeted strength and stretching exercises to get new moms feeling like themselves again. The workouts are conducted in a relaxed environment so you can stop to feed and comfort your baby if needed.

Xtend Barre
Class: Babies on Board
Location: Boston 
Xtend Barre offers Babies on Board, a mom and baby barre class that’s focused as much on getting back in shape as spending time with your babe. This challenging yet safe class is fit for infants 6 weeks old to those who weigh up to 20 pounds.

Top image of moms and babies during a workout courtesy of Baby Boot Camp.

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