Linvilla Orchard - 9:00 AM
LEGOLAND Discovery Center Philadelphia - 10:00 AM
Philadelphia Zoo - various times
The Escape Game King of Prussia - various times
Legoland Discovery Center at the Plymouth Meeting Mall - various times
Linvilla Orchard - 9:00 AM
Adventure Aquarium - 10:00 AM
LEGOLAND Discovery Center Philadelphia - 10:00 AM
Peddler's Village - various times
Linvilla Orchard - 9:00 AM
Penn Museum - 10:00 AM
Linvilla Orchard - 9:00 AM
Adventure Aquarium - 10:00 AM
Linvilla Orchard - 9:00 AM
LEGOLAND Discovery Center Philadelphia - 10:00 AM
Temple Music Prep - 6:00 PM
Peddler's Village - various times
Linvilla Orchard - 9:00 AM
LEGOLAND Discovery Center Philadelphia - 10:00 AM
Philadelphia Zoo - various times
The Escape Game King of Prussia - various times
Legoland Discovery Center at the Plymouth Meeting Mall - various times
Linvilla Orchard - 9:00 AM
LEGOLAND Discovery Center Philadelphia - 10:00 AM
Philadelphia Zoo - various times
The Escape Game King of Prussia - various times
Legoland Discovery Center at the Plymouth Meeting Mall - various times

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20 Things to Do with Baby This Winter in and around Philly

Winter with a baby can be difficult, especially because it's so easy to stay inside and hibernate. But getting out and about is healthy for moms and babies, whether it's to get a little exercise, take a class, enjoy an activity, or meet up with some other new moms. That's why we've compiled a great list of things you can do with a new baby in these cold winter months.
1. Take a trip to the King of Prussia Mall. It’s good to get out, take a leisurely stroll, and check out the sales. There are even two free playgrounds on oppostie ends of the mall. Just don’t break out your wallet too much.
2. Storytime – Check out your local library’s storytimes. It’s a great way to meet other moms and your baby will enjoy the songs, stories, and toys.
3. Find a new mom’s playgroup – There are Meetups, Facebook groups, baby stores, and play spaces with special times or groups for moms and babies.
4. Pack up the car for a trip to your local YMCA or recreation center and walk or jog the indoor walking track. Some even have times especially for moms and babies.
5. Sign up for a baby swim class and enjoy the warmth of a heated pool when its cold outside. Plus, you'll be getting baby used to the pool for that summer trip to the pool or beach.
6. Take a Mommy & Me class. Mom’s got to take care of herself, too.
7. Have a dance party. Turn on the music and dance together. Because watching babies groove makes everyone happy.
8. Visit the Please Touch Museum. There are several areas that are designed for babies and toddlers to explore.
9. Visit Santa!
10. Try a baby-friendly local play space. Check out Philly's newest play space: PlayArts.
11. Read books and listen to new music CDs. Go to the library to check out new ones if reading the same three books is making you question your sanity.
12. Visit Longwood Gardens and hang out in the greenhouses for a little taste of summer warmth. The Children’s Garden is a wonderful indoor place with fountains, sculptures and nooks to explore.
13. Break out that baby snowsuit, a sturdy sled, and a few warm blankets, and take a walk through the neighborhood or local park.
14. Dig out your winter gear and go to RiverRink to watch people ice skating and relax inside the warmed cabin.
15. Make a playdate with a mom friend to a baby-friendly indoor playground like Jungle Wonder or Jumpers Family Fun Zone.
16. Visit the Academy of Natural Sciences and hang out in the Outside In exhibition where little ones can watch the bugs, bees, and other crawlies.
17. Try a music class or take out some pots and spoons and let them make music at home.
18. Bring in some snow. Once baby is in the highchair or on the floor, put a little snow and some small toys on a plastic tray or baking sheet.
19. Swim on over to the Adventure Aquarium. Even babies are mesmerized watching the fish.
20. Plan a morning playing with wooden toys, blocks, and more at the city's largest playhouse, Smith Memorial Playground & Playhouse.
Photo courtesy of Cait Sumner of Mommy Poppins.