Things To Do in NYC This Weekend: Lunar New Year, Winter Jam, Groundhog Day

The first weekend in February is action-packed. First of all, it's NYC Must-See Week, and that means 2-for-1 tickets to some very cool places around town, including museums, zoos, the aquarium, and more. Winter Jam schusses back to Central Park on Saturday, spinning in with a blizzard of activities. And the BAMkids film festival in Brooklyn is back for its 22nd year.
Lunar New Year celebrations abound at the Prospect Park Zoo, The Met, Brookfield Place, and the Asia Society. February is also Black History Month, and you can mark the occasion with a special tour at Fraunces Tavern, family-friendly screenings at the Paley Center, or learn about Harlem's storied history at the New-York Historical Society.
Sunday is Groundhog Day, and while Punxsutawney Phil (accuracy rate 38%) is poised to prognosticate once again, NYC's local groundhog, Staten Island Chuck (accuracy rate 80%!), is the one to watch. Early risers at the Staten Island Zoo get a spring proximity forecast, plus musical performances and animal encounters. In the Bronx, Wave Hill hosts a Groundhog Day Pancake Breakfast as part of its Hibernator's Weekend festivities.
You don't ever need to suffer from FOMO. Our February GoList, Winter Fun Guide, and list of 40 FREE Things To Do in February With NYC Kids keep you entertained. Our Event Calendar is on point through the coming spring (or endless winter, depending on Phil and Chuck).
Places featured in this article:
BAM Rose Cinemas
Prospect Park Zoo
Fraunces Tavern
New York Historical Society and DiMenna Children’s History Museum
Times Square - Duffy Square
Brooklyn Conservatory of Music
Eataly NYC Downtown
Brookfield Place Arts
LeFrak Hall at the Kupferberg Center for the Arts, Queens College
The Flea Theater