10 Easy Halloween Treats for Kids

Candy bars aren't the only Halloween treats to hand out this October 31. School kids across the country are getting ready to celebrate with Halloween parades and classroom parties, meaning you might be on the hook for homemade Halloween treats.
But there's no need to fear the sign-up email headed your way. I've planned more than a few Halloween parties and have put together a list of easy Halloween treats to help parents skip the last-minute scramble. These tried-and-true spooky snacks transform pretzel sticks into ghouls, mandarins into pumpkins, and make enough Monster Mash Brownies that will turn the entire class into sugar monsters.
For more Halloween fun, from Halloween jokes for kids to 75 fun Halloween activities for kids—and more—check out our Halloween Activities Guide for Families.
And for Halloween activities near you, check out our Local Halloween Fun & Activities Guide!
Fun Halloween Treats for Kids
These ooey-gooey brownies are sure to make the class scream with delight this Halloween!
1. Monster Mash Brownies
Start with a box of store-bought brownie mix. Bake according to the box directions and let cool completely. Bring a small pot of water to boil. In a glass bowl, mix together 2 cups of semi-sweet chocolate chips and one (14 oz) can of condensed milk. Place the glass bowl onto the boiling water, and stir the chocolate and condensed milk until smooth. Pour the chocolate mixture over the top of the brownies in an even layer and decorate with festive (and spooky) Halloween candy. Allow to cool for 3 hours before slicing into pieces.
RELATED: Scary Easy Halloween Party Ideas for Kids
These Vampire Donuts make a great morning snack.
2. Vampire Donuts
Part favor, part snack, these Vampire Donuts are scrumptious treats. Simply place a pair of mini vampire fangs into a donut hole to create these treats of which even Dracula would be proud. A pair of candy eyes add a little extra pop.
All your favorite parts of candy apples without the mess, now that's a special Halloween treat.
3. Candy Apple Bar
Individual candy apples are often too big for kids to eat in one sitting. Besides, at least 90% of that caramel ends up stuck to a ponytail. If you have a little extra time, this Candy Apple Bar might just be the perfect kid-size Halloween treat. Set up a circular chip dish with all the fixings and toppings for delicious candy apples. In the center, place a bowl of store-bought apple dip. Let the kids dip their apples in the caramel sauce and decorate them treats like chocolate chips, sprinkles, or coconut flakes.
RELATED: Easy Pumpkin Carving Stencils and Ideas for Halloween
I see you! These Monster Pretzels come together in a snap.
4. One-Eyed Monster Chocolate Covered Pretzels
Create these one-eyed monsters by covering pretzel rods with green chocolate melts. Place an eyeball candy on top, pressing it into the chocolate and viola: one-eyed monsters! These Halloween treats look more complicated than they are and are always a crowd-pleaser.
Gummy worms and eyeballs make the Graveyard Pudding both yummy and spooky.
5. Graveyard Pudding Bar
Let each kid create their spooky scene by setting up a Graveyard Pudding Bar. Follow the classic Graveyard Pudding recipe, then set up individual bowls with all kinds of "deadly" mix-ins like gummy worms and eyeballs.
With a dollop of frosting, cookies and kisses become witch hats.
6. Witches Hats
With a dollop of orange frosting, adhere a Hershey kiss to the top of an Oreo cookie. You can add a few sprinkles to the frosting to add a special touch to these cookie-based Halloween treats.
These easy-to-make Halloween snacks are a healthy alternative on a sugar-filled day.
Healthy-ish Halloween Snacks
7. Mandarin Pumpkins
Some strategically placed triangles and a mandarin are all you need to create this healthy classroom treat. With a Sharpie, draw a jack o’ lantern on an unpeeled mandarin orange.
8. Cheese Stick Ghosts
Cheese stick ghosts are the perfect companion to mandarin pumpkins. Draw the three circles of a ghost face onto the plastic cheese stick wrapper.
Dish up fruit kabobs topped with a festive marshmallow.
9. Halloween Fruit Kabobs
Many different kinds of fruit will work for this healthy snack. Skewer grapes, blueberries, strawberries, or bananas. Top with a Halloween-themed marshmallow, such as the ghosts, pumpkins, and monsters from Peeps.
The Scarecrow Snack Mix is the perfect Halloween treat: a little bit sweet, a little bit salty, and a whole lot of fun.
10. Scarecrow Snack Mix
This Halloween snack mix is a blend of sweet and salty and tastes like pure Halloween fun. (It’s also a great way to use up all that extra candy corn that you can’t stop eating.) It is the ideal classroom treat because it can be transported pretty easily and comes together in minutes. We usually use a mix of pretzel squares, candy corn, popcorn, mellow creme pumpkins, and any other festive Halloween treat.
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