Weekend Fun: Sunflowers, Ice Cream, and Festivals

- By Ally Noel
Christine's Garden
Connecticut Science Center
Norwalk Seaport
Wakeman Town Farm
Believe it or not, we are just about half-way through summer vacation. But, don’t let those “back-to-school” displays get you down; there is still so much to do this summer! There’s still plenty of time to enjoy day trips, outdoor movies, and a little fun at the beach! This weekend, kids can soak up music in Thompson and Hartford, take a giant leap in Bridgeport, or welcome the sunflowers back to Griswold.
We update our Events Calendar frequently so be sure to check back for even more great suggestions. To keep up with the latest family-friendly events and activities, sign up for our newsletters, and follow us on Facebook, and Instagram. Have a fantastic weekend!
Places featured in this article:
Christine's Garden
Connecticut Science Center
Norwalk Seaport
Wakeman Town Farm