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North Pole - various times
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Virtual - various times
Live Video Chat With Santa Claus
North Pole - various times
North Pole - various times
Online AI & Coding Lesson for Kids & Teens
Virtual - various times
Virtual - various times
Live Video Chat With Santa Claus
North Pole - various times
North Pole - various times
Online AI & Coding Lesson for Kids & Teens
Virtual - various times
Virtual - various times
Live Video Chat With Santa Claus
North Pole - various times
North Pole - various times
Online AI & Coding Lesson for Kids & Teens
Virtual - various times
Virtual - various times
Live Video Chat With Santa Claus
North Pole - various times
North Pole - various times
Online AI & Coding Lesson for Kids & Teens
Virtual - various times
Virtual - various times
Live Video Chat With Santa Claus
North Pole - various times
North Pole - various times
Online AI & Coding Lesson for Kids & Teens
Virtual - various times
Virtual - various times
Live Video Chat With Santa Claus
North Pole - various times
North Pole - various times
Online AI & Coding Lesson for Kids & Teens
Virtual - various times
Virtual - various times
Via Toy Box is Really Cool Toy Storage
- By Anna Fader
I actually just saw this cool toy storage advertised on Daddy Types and thought it was so great I had to write about it.
I don't know about you, but I hate putting things away. I like my apartment to be neat, but I also like to everything to be out enough so that I don't forget about it. To me the ideal way to clean up would be to just be able to toss everything into some cool looking piece of furniture that allowed me to organize the items by kind and also let me see what's in there. Clear plastic drawers or bins will do the job, but not nearly as nicely as these Via Toy Box units.

They are pricey to be sure, but it's rare to find something that is really well designed both functionally and aesthetically. The way that the Via Toy Boxes are designed allows you to just toss toys into the boxes and yet it doesn't just look like a toy box with a bunch of crap spilling out of it. It's very clever.
I also like that it makes the toys very accessible for toddlers. I like kids to be able to get to their toys on their own. I don't know why, but it warms my heart to see a kid pulling toys out of a box and playing as they discover new things in there.
In art they say a good frame job can make anything look good. I think that's part of the brilliance of this toy storage. You can toss all your cheesy plastic toys in these boxes and your nursery will look like the kind of room that only has classic wooden toys.
The colors are bright and playful, but not obnoxious primary colors. One of the things that really distinguishes these boxes is that they have designed all kinds of cool features to customize the way you use the units. You can add a book shelf between two sets of cubes, there are chalkboard side panels, they can be formed into a bench or a tower; they even make an adorable play kitchen. Just checking out the web site you can't help but be inspired by all the cool iterations they have come up with for these boxes.
This is the type of thing that you wish you had thought of yourself. I think a nice piece like this will both make your life easier and make your nursery or apartment look better.
PS. This is not a paid review. I don't have an affiliate relationship or stand in any way to gain from this effusive praise. It's not that I'm above such things, it's just that no one from Via Toy Box has contacted me or offered me any money or product, or chocolate, preferably dark. Eh hem.
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