Sloomoo Institute - 10:00 AM
The Paley Museum - 12:00 PM
Kupferberg Center for the Arts at Queens College - 3:00 PM Pick
Sloomoo Institute - 10:00 AM
TopView Sightseeing Bus Stop - various times
American Dream - various times
DreamWorks Water Park - various times
Brooklyn Central Library - Dweck Center - 10:30 AM Pick
Sloomoo Institute - 10:00 AM
The Jewish Museum - 2:30 PM
The Noble Maritime Collection - 7:00 PM
Sloomoo Institute - 10:00 AM
The Paley Museum - 12:00 PM
Queens Botanical Garden - 5:00 PM
Sloomoo Institute - 10:00 AM
The Paley Museum - 12:00 PM
Queens Botanical Garden - 5:00 PM

The New Victory Theater

BAM Fisher
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East Side Tae Kwon Do
This exciting camp is focused on Tae Kwon Do and related physical activities. It is appropriate for kids 5-12 years old; no prior Tae Kwon Do experience is necessary. We start each morning with an hour Tae Kwon Do class and have two more classes throughout the day. The morning class is always focused on Tae Kwon Do. The afternoon classes either refine the techniques learned in the morning class, or entail some other type of physical movement such as yoga or a team sport. When we??™re not moving we do art activities, learn about Asian cultures, go to the park or take field trips to kid friendly places.
Kids need to bring their own lunches and snacks. The 2009 Session runs from the end of June to mid-August. Please call 212.755.5982 for details or to register.