Story Pirates Comedy Shows for Kids

9/19/08 - By Anna Fader

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September 19th is International Talk Like a Pirate Day (but really, can't Pirates pretty much just board and take over any day they want?) and to celebrate we thought we'd share a really cool program we just heard about. The Striking Viking Story Pirates are a terrific comedy troop that have nothing to do with pirates except that they steal their ideas from kids stories, comics or barely-legible sentences, and turn them into ridiculous shows performed by puppets and costumed grown ups who wish they were kids, or puppets, or both. Jon Stewart raved about it on Larry King (You know, that crazy, fun kid show) and I'm raving now, in piratese. So avast, me hearties, go smartly and purview the Striking Viking Story Pirates 'ere I slap your bung hole with a hornpipe, aye!


The Striking Viking Story Pirates
Saturdays at 2pm
At The Drama Book Shop
250 W 40th St. (map)

Tickets are $15 in advance or $20 at the Box Office

Story Pirates also do school programs and birthday parties.


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