Franklin Park Zoo - 9:00 AM
Harvard Museum of Natural History - 9:00 AM
CambridgeSide - 9:00 AM
Brookline Village Library - 10:30 AM
Big Bouncy Party - 10:00 AM
CambridgeSide - 9:00 AM
Franklin Park Zoo - 9:00 AM
Harvard Museum of Natural History - 9:00 AM
Grace Chapel Lexington - 9:30 AM
Seacoast Science Center - 10:00 AM
Franklin Park Zoo - 9:00 AM
Harvard Museum of Natural History - 9:00 AM
CambridgeSide - 9:00 AM
Coolidge Corner Theatre - 10:30 AM
West Roxbury Branch Library - 1:00 PM Pick
Franklin Park Zoo - 9:00 AM
Harvard Museum of Natural History - 9:00 AM
CambridgeSide - 9:00 AM
Harvard Museum of Natural History - 9:00 AM
CambridgeSide - 9:00 AM
Play Union - 9:45 AM
South Boston Branch - 10:30 AM
Coolidge Corner Branch Library - 3:00 PM
Codman Square Branch Library - 10:30 AM Pick
Harvard Museum of Natural History - 9:00 AM
CambridgeSide - 9:00 AM
Charlestown Branch Library - 10:30 AM
Coolidge Corner Branch Library - 10:30 AM

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Mommy Poppins Besties Business Headquarters
Congratulations on your nomination!
Your business has been selected as a FINALIST in Mommy Poppins Boston Besties for 2016. You are in great company: out of all the businesses we profile, only 10 per category were chosen to be finalists. Our devoted parent readers will be making the final call on which party place, enrichment program, dining spot, kindie band, and a number of other Boston family-centric businesses will be the winners as they vote in our exclusive reader contest. The contest ends November 20; one winner per category will be announced shortly thereafter, and we do hope you want to be one of them!
Buzz Worthy
This is a unique opportunity for your business to generate some publicity that can help you grow, by introducing you to new customers, readers, and social media followers. Get the word of your FINALIST status out there by sharing this incredible accolade with your customers, fans, and followers. Urge them to vote for you in our contest (they may even win a great prize to boot). The marketers at Mommy Poppins will be helping you throughout the contest period, sending you leaderboard updates tracking standings by category, along with marketing and social media tips to keep you going.
Show the World
Visit our helpful Finalist Downloadables Page. Here you can download a spiffy digital badge to place on your website and newsletters, blasts for your fans on social media, and a printable flyer to display or hand out in your physical location to help to push your business straight to the top. Plus be sure to check your mailbox for a cool Mommy Poppins Window Cling to place in your window, letting everyone know the esteem in which the families of Boston hold your business!
Finally, check the Boston Besties FAQ page to find out more about the contest, selection process, benefits, and other general information.
Congratulations again, and should you have any questions feel free to contact
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