Run for your life! 5K Races/Kids Fun Runs in NJ

Sometimes the full-throttle, leap-into-our-waiting-arms hug from a kid or two is the very reason we drag our tired selves out into the world each and every day, and sometimes... we just want to run the opposite direction. For this, there are 5K runs. Lots of 'em. And lest you feel guilty about this urge to jog, run, sprint, or 80s-style speedwalk away from the big love, you can bring the whole family to cheer you on and enjoy a fun run of their own. My youngest smoked the competition in her first race and she was wearing a tutu. I'm just saying — it's fun for the whole family. So, lace — or velcro — up, and we'll see you at the finish line.
Spring Stampede 5K and Fun Run in Gazebo Park (Chester)
Proceeds from this race benefit the public schools of Chester, NJ. Saturday, May 14th. Same day registration begins at 7:30 am. $25 for the 5k, and $15 for the 1-mile fun run.
ARC 5k and 1-Mile Fun Run/Walk in Crestwood Park (Allendale)
Proceeds from this race benefit the Allendale Recreation Commission. Sunday, May 15th. Pre-registration available. Same day registration begins at 7:30 am. $20 for the 5k pre-registered; $25 on the day of race. $15 for the 1-mile fun run/walk, pre-registered; $20 on the day of race. T-shirts provided to first 200 5K registrants. This event also includes refreshments, various vendors and a 50-yard dash, at Crestwood Lake.
13th Annual HOHA Classic 5-Mile Run and 1-Mile Fun Run at Pier A (Hoboken)
This 5-mile race is sponsored by the Hoboken Harriers Running Club with proceeds going to the Jubilee Family Life Center . Sunday, May 15th. Same day registration closes 15 minutes before before each race. $25 for the 5-mile race. $5 for the fun run. Races begin at 9:30 am.
Girl Scouts Heart of NJ Take The Lead 5K Run/Family Fun Walk (Franklin Township)
Proceeds from this race provide financial assistance for girls who cannot afford Scouting, including summer camp scholarships and troop fees. Saturday, May 21st. This race has a fundraising component, and offers FREE registration to anyone who commits to raising $100. For further information on fees and start times, the Girl Scouts in all their wisdom, provided this handy dandy flyer.
2nd Annual New Milford Fire Department Co 1, 5K Run, 1-mile Walk and Kids Dash (New Milford)
Proceeds from this race benefit the New Milford Fire Department Co. 1. Saturday, June 18th. Same day registration begins at 7:00 am. $20 for the 5k pre-registered; $25 on the day of race. $12 for the 1-mile family walk, pre-registered; $15 on the day of race. Family registrations are available and the kids' 1/2 mile dash (ages 12 and up) is FREE. There will be ribbons, raffles, refreshments and entertainment before and after the race.
Regina's Run Helping Families In Need Annual 5K Run and Kids Fun Run in Branch Brook Park (Newark)
Proceeds from this race benefit the Children's Hospital of New Jersey. Sunday, June 5th. Cost to register is a minimum $25 donation. Same day registration begins at 9 am. This event will be followed by a health fair with food and entertainment. For further information, call or email Christina Vuocolo at 732-576-8181 or
If none of these races suit your needs (for speed), there are so many more! Check out this super site for all the latest in racing t-shirt acquisitions.
Photo credit: Adam Saynuk
Places featured in this article:
Gazebo Park
Crestwood Park
Pier A Sinatra Park
New Milford Fire Department
Branch Brook Park