North Pole - various times
Virtual - various times
North Pole - various times
Virtual - various times
North Pole - various times
Virtual - various times
North Pole - various times
Virtual - various times
North Pole - various times
Virtual - various times
North Pole - various times
Virtual - various times
North Pole - various times
Virtual - various times
Naturally Nora Healthy Birthday Cake and Frosting Mixes

One of my favorite things is birthday cake, especially from a box and double especially covered in frosting. I'm not a fan of all the fancy buttercream frostings and fancy cakes. I like regular old moist and fluffy chocolate or vanilla birthday cake slathered in rich, sweet frosting. But knowing that your cake is filled with hydrogenated oils and trans fats really takes the fun out of it. Especially as a mom. How can we enjoy stuffing our faces with cake when we know how bad it is for us?
Thankfully, Nora Schultz, a New Jersey mom, has solved this problem with her Naturally Nora cake and frosting mixes, made from 100 percent natural ingredients. There are not even any artificial colors, flavors or preservatives. (The confetti cake is colored with things like spinach extract and turmeric!). They are also dairy and soy free. But most importantly, for me, Naturally Nora mixes contain no trans fats or hydrogenated oils.
Well, actually, the MOST important thing is how they taste and all I can say on that front was that after my son's birthday party the leftover cakes were stuck in the fridge and not offered to anyone in the family again as I seriously ate the rest of these two cakes every night for a week. I can't explain this behavior. I was blinded by cake-lust. I just could not help myself.
With school bake sale season and birthday party season coming up, think about stocking up on some Naturally Nora mixes. Knowing I have a couple of boxes in the cupboard means no bad mommy panic attacks when I realize at 10pm that I have to have something for the bake sale the next morning.
You can get Naturally Nora mixes in NYC at Fairway or, conveniently, you can just order a 6-pack of 3 cakes and 3 frostings from Amazon and have them show up at your door.
PS. Another cool thing about Naturally Nora is they give away free mixes to school PTAs to sell at bake sales (enough to make 48 cupcakes per school per year). Have your school PTA email to find out more.
Review Policy: In case you're wondering, Mommy Poppins does not accept gifts, money or other forms of bribery in exchange for reviews. We do accept product samples, but we only review products we genuinely love and, anyway, we usually eat the evidence :)
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