Sloomoo Institute - 10:00 AM
The Paley Museum - 12:00 PM
Queens Botanical Garden - 5:00 PM
Wyckoff Famhouse Museum - 11:00 AM Pick
Industry City - 11:00 AM Pick
Irish Arts Center (but this event is citywide) - 8:00 AM Pick
Sloomoo Institute - 10:00 AM
Brookfield Place - 11:00 AM
James Earl Jones Theatre - 9:45 AM
Sloomoo Institute - 10:00 AM
Brookfield Place - 11:00 AM
Sloomoo Institute - 10:00 AM
Brookfield Place - 11:00 AM
The Paley Museum - 12:00 PM

The New Victory Theater

Theatre Row

Marlene Meyerson JCC Manhattan
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Mostly Free and Fun Things to do with Kids in CT This Weekend May 11-12: Fairy Gardens, Arts Festivals and Mother's Day Events

This is the eighth year that I am celebrating Mother's Day as a mother in addition to celebrating it as a daughter. Raising my two children these past eight years has brought me joy, pride and yes, sometimes frustration, and has changed me as a person forever. I've also grown to understand and appreciate my own mother in ways that I never could have before having children of my own.
I know the last thing I want to do on Mother's Day is spend time in the kitchen. We've got a list of the Best Mother's Day Brunches in New London County as well as the scoop on Mother's Day Fun in Fairfield County. The Sono Marketplace is hosting a special Mother's Day Brunch Weekend. Not only will mom enjoy a feast of the finest foods at the Marketplace eateries and a Norwalk Symphony performance during select times, but she will also receive 20% off at the Marketplace shops all weekend long.
Kids can make something special for mom at Lowes Build and Grow Workshops, the Wilton Library , Whole Foods Bishops Corner in Hartford and the Mashantucket Pequot Museum. Dads are especially welcome on Saturday in Greenwich to create fun stuff with recycled items. Could become a creative gift making opportunity during this Build, Tinker, Experiment & Go Green FREE event.
Mothers will enjoy free admission to the Beardsley Zoo, Mystic Aquarium and Shoreline Trolley Museum as well as half price admission at the New England Carousel Museum on Sunday. At Quassy Amusement Park moms will receive a free unlimited ride wristband and a dinner voucher with the purchase of a child ride wristband.
Several of this weekend's activities are featured in our Best Things to Do in Connecticut in May post. Caroline's Enchanted Garden: Fairy and Wizard Festival returns to Bethlehem on Saturday. This festival will offer families a fun-filled afternoon of hands-on craft activities, music, storytelling, pony rides, puppetry, magic, woodland walks and more. A sidewalk chalk competition, jazz bands and a trash art competition await at the Festival of the Arts at Quassy Amusement Park. The Annual Celebration of Young Writers and ASAP Auction treats guests to poetry and prose written by young local writers.
The Essex Steam Train and Riverboat will kick off it's 2013 season this weekend and celebrates Neighbor Appreciation Weekend by offering free train and riverboat rides to residents of Essex, Deep River, Chester, Haddam and Old Saybrook.
Shop for beautiful handcrafted items at the Windsor Lions Arts and Crafts Festival or take a stroll along the Westville Village Art Walk, a community based arts festival, spanning three blocks in Historic Westville Village.
Enjoy pages of a children's storybook as you hike along one of the trails at the Stamford Museum and Nature Center in Story Trek. This self guided story hike begins on Sunday and runs everyday through May 26th.
Step back in time and watch Friends of Vintage Baseball play the game with rules, costumes and equipment from the 1860's in Hartford. Between innings kids have the opportunity to interact with the players and swing a wooden bat at a lemonpeel ball.
Still looking for ideas on what to do with the kids this summer? Check out the Chelsea Piers Summer Camp Fair in Stamford to learn about the large variety of sports camps offered while the kids get to play on the open fields and courts.
We've compiled even more info on Free Events and Activities in Fairfield County that you won't want to miss.
Like Mommy Poppins CT on Facebook and follow us on Twitter and Pinterest. Our event calendar is full of opportunities for fun so be sure to check it often.
Mommy Poppins CT would like to wish all of our readers a very Happy Mother's Day!
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