Sloomoo Institute - 10:00 AM
Staten Island Mall - various times
TopView Sightseeing Bus Stop - various times
DreamWorks Water Park - various times
Sloomoo Institute - 10:00 AM
The Jewish Museum - 2:30 PM
Staten Island Mall - various times
TopView Sightseeing Bus Stop - various times
Sloomoo Institute - 10:00 AM
The Paley Museum - 12:00 PM
Randall's Island - various times
Sloomoo Institute - 10:00 AM
The Paley Museum - 12:00 PM
Randall's Island - various times
Staten Island Mall - various times
Grand Central Terminal - 11:00 AM Pick
New-York Historical Society DiMenna Children's History Museum - 11:00 AM Pick

DreamWorks Water Park

The New Victory Theater

Broadway Comedy Club
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Their Rhythm Is Gonna Get You: Untapped! Dances Into the New Victory Theater

I'm definitely not a big dance fan. You'll never see me at the ballet (unless my tutu-clad daughter is performing) or at a modern-dance show. But tap? That's the one kind of dancing I really get.
As a child I was obsessed with Fred Astaire and Gene Kelly movies, and then in college I discovered more offbeat tapping like Stomp, Tap Dogs and Savion Glover. Untapped!, which is currently playing at the New Victory Theater, is definitely one of the most exhilarating tap shows I've ever seen—and judging from how many kids I spied dancing and clapping in the aisles (including my own six-year-old), I wasn't the only one moving to their rhythms.
The guys in Untapped!, all members of the Raw Metal Dance troupe from Brisbane, Australia, are definitely not the top hat and tails types. They leap across the stage in tight jeans and tee-shirts, creating amazingly intricate rhythms to complement the live band rocking out on stage. The loud music—a mix of funk, rock and hip-hop—and blinding lights make the show feel more like a concert than theater, and really, it's pure spectacle. The dancers are, unsurprisingly, in incredible shape (my daughter kept asking which one I thought was the cute one; answer: all of them), but their goofy personalities are what make them truly lovable. Yes, it's impressive that they can do back flips without a running start, but their offhand banter and silly practical jokes are even more charming. My daughter and I particularly liked a freestyle bit when one dancer began rotating his torso and making a siren noise. Eventually he goaded all of the guys into following his lead... some against their better judgment.
Since Untapped! has no story and little structure, there's not a lot to say about it; it's really something best experienced. During the hour-long show, the guys tap-dance in everything from flip-flops to flippers (that last act is hilarious). Although all of them are wonderful dancers, Andrew Fee stands out. It's clear he's also been trained in ballet and gymnastics, so I wasn't surprised to find out that he's the artistic director and main choreographer for the company.
As great as all of the dancing is, it's actually a non-dancer who steals the show: resident beat boxer Dr. Rhythm. Yes, his name is silly. Yes, I realize you thought beat boxing went out of style once Blake Lewis lost on American Idol. But if anyone can make a case for its comeback, it's Jonny Grant (a.k.a. Dr. Rhythm), who seems to have an entire synthesizer living in his throat. His Tickle Me Elmo routine was definitely an audience favorite.
The New Victory recommends this show for kids ages 6 and up, and I agree. There's nothing necessarily inappropriate for younger kids (unless you're sensitive to a lot of booty shaking), but the preschoolers I spied there were either freaked out by the noise, or completely disinterested. (The little boy next to us fell asleep! Impressive, considering the volume.)
If your little tapper wants to try out his moves, the New Victory is offering a pair of tap-dance workshops this Saturday, November 19 in conjunction with the show. Advance registration is required. Never has tapping looked so manly!
Untapped! is playing at the New Victory Theater through Sunday, November 27. Tickets are $14-$38.
Photos by Andrew Fee