30 Daily Celebrations to Break the Monotony of #StayatHome

During these uncertain times, finding little things to celebrate each day can help lighten the mood and make time pass more quickly. Kids love holidays, and seeing little faces light up can bring grownups some much-needed levity. We have found a fun holiday for every day of May, along with some ideas for how you can celebrate with your family. If the daily holiday doesn’t appeal to you or your kiddos, try celebrating a random country by closing your eyes and pointing on a globe or map. Learn a few words in their language and make a snack inspired by the food they eat. Have fun!
For more at-home fun, check out our Stay-at-Home Guide: 100s of Activities and Resources for Families on Pause.
May 1st: Mother Goose Day
Did you know that May 1st is Mother Goose Day? Celebrate by reading your favorite nursery rhymes and stories, including some of the old classics that have spanned generations. Kids can even try writing their own fairy tales!
May 2nd: Brothers and Sisters Day
Whether they drive you crazy, are your best friends, or both, siblings are worth celebrating. Kids can celebrate a brother or sister (or a cousin or friend they love like one) by making a card, listing all the qualities they appreciate about them, and looking of old photographs of themselves together.
May 3rd: Garden Meditation Day
Even little kids can learn to meditate or practice mindfulness activities, and what better way to deal with stress than get outside and spend time in nature? If you don’t have a garden, you could always go to the park, your back yard, or make an indoor fairy garden. The important thing is to take a moment to sit still, breathe deep, and appreciate nature.
May 4th: Star Wars Day OR Bird Day
If your kids know the phrase “May the Fourth Be With You,” we probably don’t need to say much more to give you any ideas about how to celebrate Star Wars Day. Dress up like your favorite character, get some snacks, and watch your favorite Star Wars movie. Crack each other up by trying out some jedi mind tricks ("these aren’t the snacks you’re looking for").
For little kids who may not yet be ready for the likes of George Lucas, celebrate Bird Day! Go for a walk and observe some birds. Try to identify the different types of birds in your neighborhood. Make a simple bird feeder or a paper plate bird.
May 5th: National Teacher’s Day
This day is a great day to celebrate your teachers, including school teachers, music teachers, and gymnastics, dance, and art teachers as well! And of course, we couldn’t forget our first teachers: Our parents! Kids can write a thank you note to their favorite teachers, telling them all the reasons they are appreciated.
May 6th: National Nurse's Day
Nurses are heroes, today and every day. If you have any nurses in the family, this is a great day to make them a card thanking them. If you have a toy medical kit at home, kids can practice their nursing skills by giving their stuffed animals a checkup.
May 7th: World Password Day
World Password Day is meant to remind grownups to protect their digital identities by using secure passwords, but for kids, it can be celebrated with a spy-themed day. Wear disguises and try writing secret codes in invisible ink, or play Password or Codenames as a family.
May 8th: National Coconut Cream Pie Day
We are always in a mood to celebrate dessert! There are plenty of versions of this classic to make at home, or support your local bakery and order a pie to go. If you’re not into the idea of getting everyone sugared up, try making a play pie out of felt or construction paper. Consider the coconut and all of its uses.
May 9th: National Sleepover Day
Build a fort in the living room, put on your pajamas, and pretend you’re having a sleepover. Turn out the lights and tell spooky or silly stories while holding a flashlight under your face.
May 10th: Clean Your Room Day/Mother's Day
National Clean Your Room Day just happens to be Mother’s Day this year. Coincidence? We think not. Kids can show their appreciation for moms, grandmothers, and all mother figures today by making a card and a homemade gift, and of course, by cleaning their rooms or helping with other tasks and chores.
May 11th: Eat What You Want Day
This is a holiday everyone can get behind. Nothing is quite as comforting as indulging in our favorite foods. Why not mix things up and have pizza for breakfast and pancakes for dinner?
May 12th: National Limerick Day
Write limericks with your kids using a template. The sillier, the better!
May 13th: Frog Jumping Day
Who doesn’t love frogs? Did you know that there are more than 4,000 species of frogs? Learn more about these fascinating creatures, bust out your retro Frogger game, or hop, dance, and twirl to celebrate frogs!
May 14th: National Dance Like a Chicken Day
Lead your family in the classic chicken dance. Or, make chicken puppets that can dance instead!
May 15th: National Pizza Party Day OR Chocolate Chip Day
It was too hard to choose between these two… how could they fall on the same day? Well, you’ve gotta do what you’ve gotta do. Pizza and chocolate chip cookies for dinner. Where did chocolate chips come from, anyway?
Photo by Jeremiah Lawrence / Unsplash
May 16th: Love a Tree Day
Take a walk and look at some trees. Talk about the lifecycle of a tree, who lives in trees, and what grows on trees. Read your favorite tree-themed books.
May 17th: Pack Rat Day
Today is a great day to do some spring cleaning and get rid of things that no longer spark joy. Or, learn more about real pack rats, aka white-throated woodrats, who build their nests out of whatever materials they can find, and are especially fond of shiny objects.
May 18th: National Museum Day
Visit museums around the world from the comfort of your couch. Use an inexpensive virtual reality viewer and free apps to feel like you’re really there.
May 19th: National Endangered Species Day
This is a great day to study some of Earth’s most fascinating and precious animals, where they live, what they eat, and what makes them unique. Check out a live zoo cam.
May 20th: National Pick Strawberries Day
If you’re lucky enough to live near a strawberry patch, you know what to do. If not, hopefully you can get your hands on some fresh (or even frozen) strawberries for a snack or dessert. Or, make your own.
May 21st: Eat More Fruits & Vegetables Day
Celebrate by eating your favorite fruits and veggies. Try making some fruit and vegetable portraits, inspired by Italian painter Giuseppe Arcimboldo.
May 22nd: National Buy a Musical Instrument Day
Do you have any musical instruments at home? Maybe you could make some and form a family band.
May 23rd: World Turtle Day
Do you know the difference between a turtle and a tortoise? Take the day to appreciate these amazing creatures, make fun craft, and learn about sea turtle conservation efforts.
Photo by Julie, Dave & Family / CC BY 2.0
May 24th: International Tiara Day
Today, you have the perfect excuse to wear a crown, tiara, or any other headpiece that makes you feel like royalty. Make a new tiara if you don’t already have one, and remember: crowns aren't just for girls; everyone in the family can have fun with today!
May 25th: International Tap Dance Day
Can you tap dance? It’s never too late to learn! Or maybe you prefer to watch the professionals.
May 26th: National Paper Airplane Day
There are many different techniques for making paper airplanes. Try them all and see which one is the fastest. Try different color materials and decorations.
May 27th: World Otter Day
Is there anything cuter than otters holding hands? Why do they do it? Learn all about adorable otters and make your own paper bag sea otter.
May 28th: National Hamburger Day
National Hamburger Day reminds us of summertime grilling and picnics. Make some burgers (original, veggie, or just pretend) and have an outdoor picnic, weather permitting.
May 29th: Learn About Composting Day
Learn about the benefits of composting and how it’s a win-win for both people and the planet. Kids can even make a mini composter.
May 30th: Water a Flower Day
There is nothing quite as satisfying as caring for a living thing and watching it grow, and flowers are some of the most satisfying of all. Take the day to appreciate any nearby flowers, whether you have some in your house, yard, or nearby park. If you don’t have real flowers, you could always make some.
May 31st: National Macaroon Day
Again, you don’t need to twist our arms to get us to celebrate dessert. Which is your favorite? The coconut version or similarly named (but very different) the French macaron? Try both! Or make some out of play-doh.