North Pole - various times
Virtual - various times
North Pole - various times
Virtual - various times
North Pole - various times
Virtual - various times
North Pole - various times
Virtual - various times
North Pole - various times
Virtual - various times
North Pole - various times
Virtual - various times
North Pole - various times
Virtual - various times
Toddler Nature Craft: Make Pipe Cleaner Bird Feeders

Spring has sprung, and we're anxious to discover new life outdoors. This easy-to-make bird feeder is perfect for toddlers and little ones. They can practice their dexterity by stringing the cereal onto the pipe cleaner, and then the fun really starts. Sit by the window to see who comes to nosh on your bird feeder, and watch nature put on a show.
Pipe cleaners
Cheerios (or similar cereal with holes)
1. String the Cheerios on the pipe cleaner until it's full. (If you don't have pipe cleaners you can use string, too.)
2. Twist the ends of the pipe cleaner together to form a circle.
3. Hang your finished bird feeder from a tree branch or outside your window.
Show us what you make. Share it on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram and tag @mommypoppins so we can see your creations, too!
Kids' work is to play. WeeWork is a Mommy Poppins series offering an easy daily activity for grown-ups and children to do together, making kids' work an important part of your day. We aim to inspire together time, creativity and fun using only your imagination and things around the house. You can see all our WeeWork activity posts here.