North Pole - various times
North Pole - various times
Zoom & at the Southampton Arts Center - 6:00 PM
North Pole - various times
North Pole - various times
North Pole - various times
North Pole - various times
North Pole - various times
My Awesome Day: Free Bike Fridays on Governor's Island
We've asked our readers to share their awesome outings with us this summer. We'll be posting the best ones on the blog and one lucky winner will win a Flip Video Camera. Find out more details in our Summer Fun Activity Guide . Read this submission by Nataki Hewling about her fun day on Goveror's Island.
It was Take your Child to work day and my mother was in town from Virginia visiting so I invited her to come into the city with us. After a long commute to the city, both my 6 year old son and my Mother were pooped but once we arrived, my son was excited to be there, and Mom left to explore a Street Fair near Grand Central Station with foods and clothing from around the world.
I worked while they played. But after I got off, we headed to the Staten Island Ferry. When we got there, everyone was hot and ready to go home but I was ready to play! The day was just beginning for me. I suggested we go to Free Bike Fridays at Governor’s Island and of course my son was up for it. He looked at me with sleepy eyes and said “Sure, as long as they have bikes with training wheels.” Granny looked at me with sweat dripping from her brow and said “Ok, but I am not riding a bike." I was excited.
The National Museum of the American Indian was close by and I wanted to kill some time while we waited for the ferry so we headed there. We took in the Song For The Horse exhibit.
Before you knew it, it was time to go to the Governor’s Island ferry in time to rent a bike for free. We walked briskly in 90 degree weather and made it just in time. The ferry ride was five minutes long and very relaxing. Both Granny and my son got short naps.
Upon arrival to Governor’s Island, we rushed to get bikes. I got a nice beach cruiser for myself and for my son and I looked over and saw that Granny had requested a bike! My 65 year old Mother got on her bike and said “come on guys.” I can’t remember when I’ve seen Mom on a bike. As she rode away with towards the water, I thought, “This is one of those days I’ll never forget.”
We were going high-speed until we came upon a really cool interactive playground, and a miniature golf area. We parked our bikes and played a round of golf and then had lemonades at the nearby café.
Being a working Mom is hard because you don’t always get to enjoy the fun activities in NYC with your child, but when you do get to, you should really push yourself to take in one or two activities. It’s worth it!!! And for us it was extra special to have Granny in tow.
Read about more things to do on Governor's Island.
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