Greenbelt Nature Center - 3:00 PM Pick
Children's Museum of Manhattan - various times Pick
Sloomoo Institute - 10:00 AM
Queens Botanical Garden - 5:00 PM
Museum of Arts and Design - various times
Chinatown and Little Italy - 1:00 PM Pick
Brooklyn Bridge Park Pier 1 - 11:00 AM Pick
Greenbelt Nature Center in Blood Root Valley - 11:00 AM Pick
Audubon Center at the Boathouse (in Prospect Park) - 11:00 AM Pick

The Paley Museum

Museum of Arts and Design

The New Victory Theater
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My Awesome Day: Batter Up! Checking out a Brooklyn Cyclones game on Coney Island

We've asked our readers to share their awesome outings with us this summer. We'll be posting the best ones on the blog and one lucky winner will win a Flip Video Camera. Find out more details in our Summer Fun Activity Guide . Read this submission by Ellen K. Schmidt about her fun day on Goveror's Island.
My husband and I go to a Brooklyn Cyclones game every summer. For us, it's one of those activities that really signifies summer in the Big Apple. We are new parents to a beautiful baby girl (9 months old), and it's been a lot of fun -- though quite an adjustment -- navigating this city, introducing her to all the things we love about living here.
We left Manhattan mid-afternoon on a Saturday, hauling baby & stroller down the subway stairs for the long trek to the edge of Brooklyn. The ride itself was actually pretty entertaining, as I love to see how our baby interacts with other riders, especially children. I began a conversation with a woman who tells me she has a baby girl as well. Turns out, she’s a musician with a children’s band. You just never know who you’re going to meet! It’s one of the many, many reasons why I love having a child… for a moment, talking about your children or seeing your kids play together connects you with your fellow man. Suddenly we’re not strangers anymore.
I have a fascination with Coney Island that I can never quite put in to words. The bright lights, people and smells are mesmerizing. The Cyclones ball park is a short distance from the subway (about a 5 minute walk), so we stroll over while our baby takes in her new surroundings. With tickets ranging from $8-$16 in price, this is definitely an inexpensive outing (in this city and economy, that’s definitely a good thing)! The stadium is quite small, and you can’t help but feel far away from the big city. I love the "small town America" vibe that emanates from every corner of the park.
While our baby couldn’t have cared less what was taking place on the field, she loved looking around at the other spectators and screaming when they did. She actually did great the entire game, and I was still able to eat some classic ball park grub – corn dogs from Nathan’s, of course! Looking out over the field, you can see the lights of Luna Park and the Cyclone roller coaster. The Atlantic Ocean is in the distance. And if you’re lucky, there’ll be a fireworks show after the game. All in all, this is an easy getaway from the rush of NYC, and in my mind, the perfect family activity during summer in the city.
For more family friendly things to do on Coney Island check out Coney Island Baby: 10 Things To Do for a Day of Sun, Sand and Surf at the Beach on Coney Island
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