Weekend Fun for LA Kids: Wooden Boats, Fun-A-Palooza, REDCAT, Playhouse Block Party

Kids Run the Bases. Photo courtesy of Los Angeles Angels
Kids Run the Bases. Photo courtesy of Los Angeles Angels
6/6/19 - By Toby B

Can you feel that? That's summer getting ready to pop. Whether or not summer break has started for you personally is moot; if it hasn't it will soon, and enough Angelenos are in flipflops-and-beachbags mode that, on average, we are all on vacation anyway.

So how are you kicking off your summer break, which may or may not have started yet? You could be competing in the Special Olympics Summer Games (or cheering on the exceptional athletes who are). You could be winning a Tony (or cheering on the talented performers who are). You could be winning an award from the PBS SoCal Kids Writers contest (or cheering on the talented writers who are). You could be rounding the bases at Angels Stadium. You really could. If you're under 13. Otherwise, you can (checks notes) cheer on the kids who can. Remember: they also win who only stand and cheer.

More summer series are starting this weekend, and everyone is in a partying mood. We have kid-centric moviesfree videogame play, wooden boats, cardboard cars, hard-shelled heroes, a fun-a-palooza, sweet, sweet treats, oceans, fishcartoons, dance, and sanitation. Summer 2019 is go for launch!

Keep reading to get this summer started...


Places featured in this article:

El Molino Ave. and Colorado Blvd.

Century Park Elementary School

Trippet Ranch - Topanga State Park

East End Downtown Santa Ana, including

Rotating locations, including the Autry Museum

Argyros Plaza at Segerstrom Center for the Arts

The Calabasas Tennis & Swim Center