Minecraft Madness in New Jersey

2/9/15 - By Erica Hartman

If you have kids in the 7-18 age range, I'll bet you've heard of Minecraft. When I asked my daughter to define it, she said, "Mom, it's basically a game about placing blocks to build anything your brain can imagine." I was not sold right off the bat, but as she played, I saw that there could be educational benefits--as long as parents set playing guidelines. Here are some great classes, clubs and camps that will get you revved up for Minecraft Madness in New Jersey.


In case you're not acquainted with Minecraft,  here is a great video that explains it and here are some of the educational benefits a player might reap. My eight year old has been begging us to sign her up on X-Box, and we finally did, with limits about whom she can friend and how much time per day she can spend on Minecraft, of course. We learned about what we needed to purchase and how to get started at the Minecraft wiki. Below are some great NJ Minecraft resources, as well as a menu of Minecraft clubs and camps.

These camps and groups are great, but if you have your own server, you can create your own online clubs. Be sure not to "grief" anyone and have fun!

Originally published 2013

About the Author

Erica Hartman

First and foremost Erica Hartman is a proud wife and mother of 2 little girls, Proud New Jerseyean, Google Certified Trainer/Teacher, technology integration consultant, shopaholic and proud New Jerseyean, P90X grad and mommy blogger @elh

Erica is a Google Certified Teacher/Trainer and an Educational Computer Specialist for the Morris School District. Prior to she was a 6th Grade Connections/Language Arts Teacher in Sparta, New Jersey for nine years. She was also a technology professional development instructor for the Sparta Township School District. In 2007 she completed her Master’s in Technology Education from New Jersey City University and a Certificate in E-Learning and Online Teaching at the University of Wisconsin.

Besides being a Google Certified Teacher, she is also a certified Trainer for the New Jersey Governor’s Internet Safety Initiative. Her professional presentations include the  New Jersey Middle School Association Annual Conference, the Annual Turning on Learning Advance at Montclair State University, the Annual New Jersey Association for Educational Technology Conference at Georgian Court University, the NJEA Convention and the International Online Conference.

Erica also consults for the Center for Mathematics, Science and Computer Education at Rutgers University, Computer Using Educators, EdTechTeam and has presented at the Google Teacher Academy in Chicago, New York, and Boulder. Finally, Erica is also an instructor for both the Google Workshops for Educators and Administrators. Follow her blog at theitclassroom.blogspot.com.

You can also follow Erica on Google+.