Chicago Shakespeare Theatre on Navy Pier - 11:00 AM Pick
Klein Creek Farm - 10:00 AM
McCormick Place - various times
Morton Arboretum - various times
The Escape Room Chicago - various times
Brookfield Zoo - various times
McCormick Place - various times
Morton Arboretum - various times
The Escape Room Chicago - various times
McCormick Place - various times
Morton Arboretum - various times
The Escape Room Chicago - various times
Apollo Theater - various times
Klein Creek Farm - 10:00 AM
Brookfield Zoo - various times
Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum - various times
McCormick Place - various times
Klein Creek Farm - 10:00 AM
Yellow Box Theatre - 7:30 PM
- various times
McCormick Place - various times
Morton Arboretum - various times
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Pregnancy Classes and Parenting Classes in Chicago

New parents unite: there are places to learn about pregnancy, childbirth, and taking care of your baby in the early days of its life. And, many of them are in class settings with other parents-to-be so that you don't feel alone on your journey into parenthood. There are lots of different paths to having a baby, and these parenting classes and pregnancy classes in Chicago cover a wide variety of them. You may also choose to take pregnancy classes or parenting classes from the hospital, birth center, midwife or doula you plan to use during labor and delivery. Some of the places on our list also include playgroups or mommy and me classes for after you have your baby.
We also have plenty of things to do with your baby and toddler once you're ready to start getting out of the house! Try out one of our favorite parent-tot classes, baby swim classes, or virtual camps and classes for kids. They're all part of our online class guide for Chicago parents.
Here are some great options for pregnancy, childbirth, and parenting classes in Chicago!

Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Parenting Classes in Chicago
Places featured in this article:
Family Picnic
metta baby
Cocoon Care
Third Coast Birth & Baby
Chicago Family Doulas
Sweet Pea's Studio
Birth Center of Chicago
Weissbluth Pediatrics
312 Doulas
Birthways Inc.
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