5 Best Outdoor Places For Kids in Cohasset

One of the best things about exploring the South Shore with kids is the abundance of outdoor activities available. We live for the warmer months in this part of the country, so we try to make every day count when the weather is nice.
Cohasset, Massachusetts is no exception, as it offers plenty of exciting and unique ways to play outside with kids. Here are our top five places to enjoy the great outdoors with your family in Cohasset, from farm fun to woodsy adventures.
Holly Hill Farm
236 Jerusalem Road, Cohasset, MA 02025
An organic farm, Holly Hill focuses on teaching and learning with its school programs and summer camp offerings. Holly Hill features over 16 different options to get kids aged 3-18 involved in and excited about life on the farm. My 4-year-old will be attending the "Baby Spinach" program this summer, where she will learn things like sowing seeds, exploring the woods, and feeding the animals. The Young Farmers even get to sell their produce at the local Farmer's Market!
The Farmer's Market
Cohasset Common, Between Main St. & Highland
781-383-4116 x119
Every Thursday from mid-June to mid-October vendors bring fresh produce, flowers, and foods such as local honey, cheese, jam, sauces, fresh fish, and grass-fed meats to the Cohasset Farmer's Market. Hand-made soaps, art, and herbals are also in abundance. Your child can take a a pony ride in the lovely setting, which is in the center of Cohasset. Grab a snack and then head on over to the other side of the Common for some fantastic outdoor music performances starting at 6pm. You might even be able to relax while the kids run free at this safe and very family-friendly event!
Cohasset Swim Center
89 Sohier Street, Cohasset MA 02025
A non-profit community pool for residents of Cohasset and surrounding towns, the Cohasset Swim Center is a great place to hang with kids in the warmer months. It features an adult pool, a preschool pool, and a baby wading pool. Sign up for swim lessons in the early afternoon or just relax at open swim from 2-6pm.
South Shore Music Circus
130 Sohier Street
Music and theater acts have been performing at the South Shore Music Circus for over 60 years. It is one of two of the only operating outdoor tent theaters in the round in the United States. Over the course of the summer the Music Circus features kid-friendly performances like Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella, Goldilocks, Pinocchio, and even a Chinese Acrobat thriller.
Whitney & Thayer Woods
Howes Lane, Cohasset MA 02025
These beautiful woodland parks, stewarded by The Trustees of Reservations, offer 10 miles of kid- and dog-friendly trails. Grab a map on your way in and go on a treasure hunt. My kids like to bring their Halloween buckets and fill them with pinecones, leaves, and rocks that they find. Look for big boulders and a small stepping bridge along the way.
Photo taken at Whitney & Thayer Woods
Places featured in this article:
Whitney & Thayer Woods