Fun Ways to Celebrate Earth Day 2011 in Connecticut

4/20/11 - By Mary Beth Lawlor

We've come a long way since Earth Day was first established in 1971. Check out this link to see CT's environmental accomplishments over the past 40 years. Staggering to see what's been accomplished. And if you haven't already, why not plant a home farm this Spring and enjoy growing your own delicious veggies and herbs? Check out this site to find out more.

There are tons of Earth Day activities for kids going on this weekend and next, including green festivals, fun eco-art activities, educational workshops, beach clean ups and more.
Grab the family and have fun at one of these cool events.



April 21st
Earth Day "Jubilee" planned at UConn Avery Point
12:00pm - 1:30pm
"Earth Jubilee" activities will include seed bomb making and aquatic critter touching by the student group EcoHusky. There will be earth-friendly giveaways and guests from the state Department of Environmental Protection, Groton Open Space, Fair Trade and Heifer International.
April 22nd
Earth Day 2011 Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History - New Haven
10:00am - 3:00pm
Local organizations will share their own efforts and tell you about some simple actions you can take to protect the earth. Activities include games and crafts.
April 23rd
Pratt Nature Center Earth Day 2011
Enjoy the day the Pratt Nature Center. Gardening Workshops, Orienteering, Nature/History Walks, An Interactive recycled art sculpture, kids games and crafts, conservation, composting and our Earth Day
Challenge are just a few of the interesting events we have planned. Food and Drinks will be available.


Celebrating Earth Day: Connecticut Audubon Society Center 10-3
Llamas... Birds of Prey... Snakes!!  Enjoy a close-up encounter with live birds of prey, live snake demonstrations; also pet Magic and Spirit, two very friendly llamas. Other activities include children's crafts, face painting and enjoying live music. This year's theme is Go Light, Go Local so we will have many local vendors on hand selling their products.

Jennings Beach Clean Up Day

10:00am - 12:00pm
Consider bringing the family out to pitch in during the Jennings Beach Clean Up this Saturday.

Eco Kid Bash Arcade Mall
Families will meet eco-conscious vendors. Children will have entertainment, get their face painted, and make crafts from recycled materials.

Wildlife Presentation at Stepping Stones Museum for Children

Earthday Celebration - Chris Evers of Animal Embassy will present a one-hour program on preserving world wildife. After the program, kids will have a chance to encounter Chris' collection of live animals up close and personal.

April 30th
5th Annual Milford Earth Day Celebration Eisenhower Park
Volunteer your time today to pick up trash, clear brush, or build trails all around the Milford area.

Fairfield's Earth Day Celebration
A Free Family Event! Rain or Shine. Plenty of samples. Learn about organic food, home & school gardens, green building, energy technologies, conservation, Green products, etc. Enjoy Music, Magic, activities for kids, a Trashy Fashions Show and a green Auto show. Recycling! Great food! More information on web site.

Green Earth Fair Earthplace

Have fun learning what you and your family can do to stay healthy and help the environment.  Enjoy hands-on demonstrations about earth friendly activities including energy efficiency, composting, container gardening, raising chickens and bee keeping. Learn about healthy food and local food choices including area CSAs, farmers markets, community gardens and more.  Understand how to protect our local waters and get a close-up look at the marine animals in our touch tank.  Get resources for organic lawn care and native plants.  Find out about electric and hybrid cars in our area.  

Yard Art Workshop Warren Public Library
Come learn how to make this unique piece of yard art! We will use bottle caps, plastic container lids, scrap wood, and seconds paint to create these larger than life flowers!Due to all the steps involved in this awesome project,this is a “build with me” workshop.An adult is required to participate with each child. Extra sets of teenage or adult hands are needed! Please leave a note when you register if an extra helper will be attending!

CFPA's Outdoor Gear Expo Wesleyan University
Enjoy clinics such as "fly fishing", "packing your backpack", "barefoot running", "skateboarding", and "carving a walking stick". Visit exhibit booths from outdoor retailers such as REI, Eastern MT Sports, North Cove Outfitters & others. Plus a Silent Auction with fun and functional outdoor gear and splendid gifts such as jewelry, books, artwork, and more.

May 1st
Tunxis Hosts Earthstock Celebration
An eco-friendly "green" celebration. The event features close to 70 eco-minded vendors and exhibitors, bands, food and family activities. 
Rain Date:  Sunday, May 8