Weekend Fun for LA Kids: Hollywood CicLAvia, Wings over Camarillo, Tacos, & Rocket Fever

Photo of Azuma Kotobuki Kai Dance Group courtesy of Nisei Week Japanese Festival
Photo of Azuma Kotobuki Kai Dance Group courtesy of Nisei Week Japanese Festival
8/15/19 - By Toby B

Things are about to change around here. Say goodbye to the nonstop fiesta filled with concerts, festivals, and moviesA huge chunk of kids in the LA area are going back to school sometime in the next week, and that means ...{checks notes} ...a continuation of the nonstop fiesta filled with concerts, festivals, and movies. Huh. Go figure.

This weekend, for instance: you can go full Little Tokyo at the closing weekend of the Nisei Week, with a gyoza eating contest and the Rubik's Cube Open. You can chow down on BBQ and tacos. You can take flight, soaring through the skies, or reaching for the space just beyond that. 

There's lots of music making and moving pictures.There may even be a chance to learn something as well, but we will call it entertainment. No need to put up a stink. It's just a typical weekend round these parts. Now that school is starting.

Keep reading for our not any different, totally back-to-school best picks for the weekend 


Places featured in this article:

Japanese American Cultural & Community Center

Echo Park - Multiple Venues

Griffith Park - site of the Old Zoo

Numerous Shelters across Los Angeles and the Country

Rotating locations, including the Autry Museum

Rotating Locations: Santa Monica High School

Various Parks, including Hurless Barton Park

Multiple Hubs from West Hollywood to East Hollywood,

The California African American Museum