Franklin Park Zoo - 9:00 AM
Harvard Museum of Natural History - 9:00 AM
CambridgeSide - 9:00 AM
Brookline Village Library - 10:30 AM
Big Bouncy Party - 10:00 AM
CambridgeSide - 9:00 AM
Franklin Park Zoo - 9:00 AM
Harvard Museum of Natural History - 9:00 AM
Grace Chapel Lexington - 9:30 AM
Seacoast Science Center - 10:00 AM
Franklin Park Zoo - 9:00 AM
Harvard Museum of Natural History - 9:00 AM
CambridgeSide - 9:00 AM
Coolidge Corner Theatre - 10:30 AM
West Roxbury Branch Library - 1:00 PM Pick
Franklin Park Zoo - 9:00 AM
Harvard Museum of Natural History - 9:00 AM
CambridgeSide - 9:00 AM
Harvard Museum of Natural History - 9:00 AM
CambridgeSide - 9:00 AM
Play Union - 9:45 AM
South Boston Branch - 10:30 AM
Coolidge Corner Branch Library - 3:00 PM
Codman Square Branch Library - 10:30 AM Pick
Harvard Museum of Natural History - 9:00 AM
CambridgeSide - 9:00 AM
Charlestown Branch Library - 10:30 AM
Coolidge Corner Branch Library - 10:30 AM

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Weekend Fun for Boston Kids: Halloween Happenings & Free Art, October 17-18

If your kids love witches, ghosts, and candy as much as mine do, you'll want to take advantage of some of the fun Halloween activities going on this weekend. Most of these events are fine for all ages, but the smaller tykes might really dig the special trick-or-treating at Stone Zoo while the older kids trek through a Haunted Trail (pictured).
It's also high time to start getting creative with costumes, and you can jump start that creative thinking at several free art events this weekend. From a family museum day to art classes to workshops at a comics expo, we've got you covered.
Also on Mommy Poppins Boston this week:
- These New England pumpkin festivals offer wonderful fall fun for families.
- If you're looking for trick or treating alternatives, look no further!
- Spooky adventures are lurking around every corner at these unique haunted houses and trails near Boston.
Enjoy your weekend and don't forget to check out the full Event Calendar!
MICE: Massachusetts Independent Comics Expo - Cambridge
The focus at this expo is on the art of making comics, and it includes several free workshops for kids.
Head of the Charles - Cambridge
This regatta on the Charles brings out over 11,000 athletes and 40,000 spectators each year.
Boo at the Zoo - Stoneham
Children are invited to trick-or-treat among the animals at this annual event.
Cinderella in the Wild West - Brookline
Kids will love this all-American version of the famous fairytale.
Haunted Trail - Newburyport
Families are welcome at Theater in the Open’s notorious annual haunting of Maudslay.
Free Art Discovery Classes - Boston
The Guild of Boston Artists offers free Art Discovery classes in the gallery for children.
Family Day at the Davis - Wellesley
This free day at the Davis Museum explores the various materials and processes that artists use to create paintings.
Free Family Fun: Art & Theater Workshop - Watertown
Families use their imaginations to express themselves, make their own special masterpieces, and explore theater games.
Daniel Webster Farm Day - Marshfield
Activities at this annual festival include hayrides, hay mazes, live owl programs, face painting, and games and crafts for children.
Moxie Mystery Party - Watertown
Families with older kids can do some serious sleuthing and have a blast solving a mystery with the author of Moxie and the Art of Rule Breaking.
Silly Sally's Bubble Show - Brookline
Silly Sally's Bubble Show is a fun, inventive, educational, silly and interactive show for families.
Monster MashedUp @ SomerStreets - Somerville
At this fun fall festival enjoy family-friendly programming, including a skateboarding extravaganza and pumpkin carving.
Photo courtesy of Theater in the Open
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