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Dino Days at Cal Academy
California Academy of Arts and Science - 9:30 AM
California Academy of Arts and Science - 9:30 AM
VIP Savanna Tour at the SF Zoo
San Francisco Zoo - 10:30 AM
San Francisco Zoo - 10:30 AM
Look Up: Eclipse, Moon, and Mars at the Exploratorium
Exploratorium - 10:00 AM
Exploratorium - 10:00 AM
Free Admission at the SF Japanese Tea Garden
Golden Gate Park - 9:00 AM
Golden Gate Park - 9:00 AM
Dino Days at Cal Academy
California Academy of Arts and Science - 9:30 AM
California Academy of Arts and Science - 9:30 AM
VIP Savanna Tour at the SF Zoo
San Francisco Zoo - 10:30 AM
San Francisco Zoo - 10:30 AM
Story Time at the Ruth Bancroft Garden
The Ruth Bancroft Garden and Nursery - 9:30 AM
The Ruth Bancroft Garden and Nursery - 9:30 AM
Dino Days at Cal Academy
California Academy of Arts and Science - 9:30 AM
California Academy of Arts and Science - 9:30 AM
Toddler Thursday at Salesforce Park
Salesforce Transit Center - 10:00 AM
Salesforce Transit Center - 10:00 AM
Drop-In Play at Playland
Sausalito MLK Gym - 9:00 AM
Sausalito MLK Gym - 9:00 AM
Free Admission at the SF Japanese Tea Garden
Golden Gate Park - 9:00 AM
Golden Gate Park - 9:00 AM
Dino Days at Cal Academy
California Academy of Arts and Science - 9:30 AM
California Academy of Arts and Science - 9:30 AM
Pop-Up Parcade! Mini Golf & Arcade at Courthouse Square
Courthouse Square - 10:00 AM
Courthouse Square - 10:00 AM
Future of Food at the Lawrence Hall of Science
The Lawrence Hall of Science - 10:00 AM
The Lawrence Hall of Science - 10:00 AM
Kids Day Out at Swain House
Swain House - 9:00 AM
Swain House - 9:00 AM
Dino Days at Cal Academy
California Academy of Arts and Science - 9:30 AM
California Academy of Arts and Science - 9:30 AM
Marine Science Sunday at the Marine Mammal Center
Marine Mammal Center - 10:30 AM
Marine Mammal Center - 10:30 AM
Drop-In Play at Playland
Sausalito MLK Gym - 9:00 AM
Sausalito MLK Gym - 9:00 AM
Free Admission at the SF Japanese Tea Garden
Golden Gate Park - 9:00 AM
Golden Gate Park - 9:00 AM
Dino Days at Cal Academy
California Academy of Arts and Science - 9:30 AM
California Academy of Arts and Science - 9:30 AM
VIP Savanna Tour at the SF Zoo
San Francisco Zoo - 10:30 AM
San Francisco Zoo - 10:30 AM
Look Up: Eclipse, Moon, and Mars at the Exploratorium
Exploratorium - 10:00 AM
Exploratorium - 10:00 AM
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