North Pole - various times
Virtual - various times
North Pole - various times
Virtual - various times
North Pole - various times
Virtual - various times
North Pole - various times
Virtual - various times
North Pole - various times
Virtual - various times
North Pole - various times
Virtual - various times
North Pole - various times
Virtual - various times
Easy Easter Egg Decorating Ideas: Tie Dye Easter Eggs for Preschoolers

Yesterday we posted an easy way to decorate Easter eggs without a big mess. Today we've got another one:
The first time my now 9-year old son decorated Easter Eggs he couldn't manage to retrieve them from the dye using the little metal dipper that came in the packaged egg dyeing kits. Against my mother's advice, I let him scoop the eggs out of the liquid color with his fingers. Resulting in a basketful of lovely eggs for Easter and a toddler with dye stained hands for two weeks.
The following year we tried this easy tie dye method using a colander and regular old food coloring. The technique is fun, quick and simple enough for a toddler to achieve incredible looking eggs without having to submerge them in messy liquid dye. We still decorate our Easter Eggs this way even though my son mastered the egg dipper a long time ago.
1. Put up to 6 hard cooked eggs in a colander and place it in the sink. Douse the eggs with 1/2 a cup white vinegar.
2. Randomly squirt small drops of the lightest shade of food coloring onto the eggs and shimmy the colander, rolling the eggs and spreading the color. Let color set for about a minute and repeat with two additional colors.
3. When complete rinse eggs lightly under the tap removing excess color. Lay eggs on paper towels to air dry.
Kids' work is to play. WeeWork is a Mommy Poppins series offering an easy daily activity for grown-ups and children to do together, making kids' work an important part of your day. We aim to inspire together time, creativity and fun using only your imagination and things around the house. You can see all our WeeWork activity posts here.
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