Mostly Free and Fun Things To Do With NJ Kids This Father's Day Weekend June 16-17

It's all about you this weekend, Dad! Time to roll out the red carpet because NJ has events that will put a smile on every fathers' face, be it a touch-a-truck fundraiser, airplane expo, Harbor festival or a day at the aquarium, or watching a historic baseball game in Hoboken. Or you can always pick another Father's Day event from our Mommy Poppins NJ article here. Read on for our top picks and remember you can find a listing of all NJ activities for kids in our Event Calendar.
All Weekend
Wings and Wheels Air Expo (Teterboro, NJ)
Nothing says "DAD" like a fun family event at The Aviation Hall of Fame at Teterboro Airport featuring WW II Airplanes, Helicopters, historic and modern Military Airplanes, Military Vehicles, vintage and contemporary Show Cars and Live Entertainment. There's even more fun for kids including the Batmobile and Green Hornet cars as well as contests, interesting exhibitions, unique vendors and food concessions. 9am-4pm. Donation: Adults $14, Seniors & Children $8, Under 3 FREE. Veterans (proudly wearing a veterans cap of any kind), and Active Duty Military (with I.D.) – FREE.
Saturday June 16th
Harbor Festival (Cape May, NJ)
Enjoy a day at the Cape May Harbor and Nature Center for their annual Harbor Fest, which celebrates the sea, its culture, its economy and its ecology. Activities include: a harbor and street festival, arts and crafts vendors, scallop challenge, nature programs, live music throughout the day, food and seafood, kids' activities, kayaking and a beer garden for the adults. FREE. 10am-5pm. 609-884-5508.
Got Dairy? (Morristown, NJ)
Celebrate National Dairy Month at Fosterfields Living Historical Farm by learning to operate a hand cranked cream separator (and having kids really appreciate the modern world!). Churn cream into butter by hand, and discover how cooks in the 1920s working over the heat of wood-burning stoves used buttermilk in their recipes. Finish the day by watching the farmers milk the Jersey cows by hand. 11a-4pm. $6 for adults; $5 for seniors (ages 65 and over); $4 for ages 4 – 16; and Free for children under age 2. 973-631-5343.
Touch-A-Truck Fundraiser (Morris Plains, NJ)
Come out to support the Kiwanis Club's Touch-A-Truck event on Route 10. You and the kids will have a blast getting up close with fire engines, construction vehicles, police cars and more. Face painting, giveaways for the kids and refreshments will also be available. 11am-3pm.$8 Children,$5 Adults. 1719 Route 10 East.
Historic Baseball Game (Hoboken, NJ)
Let's hear it for New Jersey! Hoboken was the host to the first officially recorded, organized “base ball” game played under Alexander Joy Cartwright Jr.’s rules, on June 19, 1846! The Hoboken Museum will commemorate the event with a re-creation of a mid-19th century game at Stevens Institute of Technology’s Dobbelaar Baseball Field. The teams will play by Cartwright’s rules for a competitive match. Bring your whole family for some historic baseball fun as all ages are welcome AND admission is free (now THAT'S my kind of baseball game!) 1pm.
Celebrate South Orange (South Orange, NJ)
It's a huge party in downtown South Orange from 2-7pm complete with music, great retail promotions, local artisans, PetFest, the world-famous Sloppy Joe Eating Contest (WOW!!), and lots more family fun. Kids will especially have a blast at the Kidzone playing games and jumping in three bounce houses. Free.
Sunday June 17th
Father's Day Horseback Ride (Mountainside, NJ)
Celebrate Father's Day on horseback at the Watchung Stables at 9:30am. Light refreshments will be served following the ride. Pre-registration is required. Note: All trail riders must be at least 9 years old. Call ahead to ask about lead-line rides for younger kids. Cost: In county residents- $28, Out of county - $39.(908)-789-3665.
Father's Day at the Aquarium (Point Pleasant, NJ)
Celebrate Father's day with your family at Jenkinson's Aquarium; all Dads are free with a paid child admission! It's a great way to sneak in a beautiful day at the beach too! 10am-5pm. Adults $10, Children 3-12 $6, Children under 3 FREE. 732-899-1659.
Father's Day Sunday (Morristown, NJ)
Bring the family over to the stately Macculloch Hall Historical Museum from 1-4pm for an afternoon of children’s activities and crafts (as well as a special event about Civil War medicine with Bill Gent). Free for Dads. Adults $8, Seniors $6, Students (over 12) $6, Children 6-12 $4. Under 6 FREE. 973-538-2404.
Father's Day Family Fun (Hoboken, NJ)
Father's day PLUS family fun at a biergarten!?!? Yes, please! Head on over to Pilsener Haus from 12:30 – 4:30 for this FREE event that features a long time kid (and parent!) favorite, Big Jeff and the Bouncy People. This upbeat concert is sure to delight the kids, while dad can delight in some of the Pilsener Haus' food and drink. Make sure to grab one (or more!) of their pretzels, too. Call 201-683-5465 for additional information.
Green Weekends: Get Started Gardening with Children (Morristown, NJ)
The Frelinghuysen Arboretum will help you get out into the garden with your child this summer. Learn how to get started with growing healthy food choices, artful ideas, and crafty family projects. This event will give you and your child the opportunity to practice basic garden skills and plan your own family garden. It's two (GREEN) thumbs up! 5 per person (includes materials) suitable for children ages 6+. Please pre-register at 973-326-7601.
Don't forget: We have additional activity listings in our Event Calendar. And if you are heading into NYC for the weekend make sure you visit the New York City Mommy Poppins events calendar to get the latest on all the fun to be had NYC-style.
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