Apply Now for These Teen Internships in New Jersey

As the mom of a soon-to-be 14-year-old, we've been pondering the possibilities of summer camps, part-time jobs, and internships for the year ahead. If you're in the same boat, keep in mind: Internships help build your teen’s resume for college and future employers while providing valuable life experience. We've searched the Garden State to come up with this list of teen internship opportunities in New Jersey, and have broken them down by region.
Many of these teen internships in New Jersey are now accepting applications, so encourage your kid to do a little legwork and reap the rewards come summer. Find more big-kid-friendly things to do in our Guide to Tweens and Teens in New Jersey.
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Teen Internships Near North Jersey
Project Self-Sufficiency – Newton
Ages: 15-17 years old
Application Due: TBD
This program is designed to build work skills, teach teens how to fill out job applications, write resumes, and provide on-the-job training. Programming runs in July and August.
Bergen County Sheriff’s Office Student Internship
Ages: High school or college students
Application Due: Contact the Bergen County Sheriff’s office
This internship is open to high school and college students who live in Bergen County or attend school within its borders. Students need to coordinate with their school counselor as well as contact the Bergen County Sheriff’s office to ensure school credit can be earned. Interns gain real-life experience in law enforcement offices.
RELATED: Teens Can Apply Now for Summer Internships in NYC
Girls with an interest in STEM can get involved in the Green Girls summer internship program sponsored by the City Parks Foundation. Photo courtesy of the foundation
City Parks Foundation Summer Internships – New York City
Ages: 15 years and older
Application Due: Applications are accepted on a rolling basis until the program is filled
This well-known NYC nonprofit hosts a pair of New York City-based paid internships for teens. In Coastal Classroom, interns with a demonstrated interest in environmental issues get hands-on training in coastal ecology and share what they've learned with city youth. The Green Girls summer interns help lead programs catering to female-identifying middle school girls with an interest in STEM as assistants to the project managers and college interns.
NewBridge Services Free Summer Youth Employment Program – Parsippany
Ages: 14-18 years
Application Due: Saturday, May 14
New Bridge Services offers several services to youth, seniors, and at-risk individuals. Every summer it opens a youth program that accepts 35 participants as interns. They are expected to attend the program three times a week and learn interviewing, job search skills, resume writing, financial literacy, and stress-management techniques. The program includes job visits and supervised volunteer experiences.
Rutgers Medical School Student Internship – Newark
Ages: 16 years and older
Application Due: 4 weeks before the proposed start date
Rutgers Medical School hosts high school interns, though students must coordinate their internship with the help of a medical school faculty member. Visit the website for full details on the application process.
NJ LEEP Program – Newark
Ages: Middle and High school students
Applications Due: Check the website for the varied school year and summer programs.
NJ LEEP (Law Enforcement and Education Program) is a college access and success program for middle and high school students who are low-income, first-generation college-going students. It sponsors programs to strengthen the academic and social-emotional skills necessary to succeed in college and beyond. This program operates during the school year.
Union County Youth Forward Program – Multiple Locations
Ages: 14-24 years old
Application Due: Rolling application
This program is a service of the Union County Human Services Department. It helps youth and young adults find job placements and internships while offering work development programs and skills for teens in and out of school. To begin the process and check eligibility, fill out its interest form.
Greater Raritan Workforce Development Board Summer Youth Employment Program – Multiple Locations
Ages: 16-24 years old, in or out of school
Application Due: Rolling application
A program of the Greater Raritan Workforce Development Board, interns in this program are placed with businesses in Hunterdon and Somerset Counties. Accepted students receive hands-on job experience at local businesses, career readiness training, and must take mandatory online classes through SkillUp Greater Raritan.
RELATED: 35 Things To Do With Tweens in New Jersey
Middlesex County E.L.I.T.E. Youth One-Stop Center Internships offer career-readiness training to teens and young adults. Photo courtesy of Discover Middlesex
Teen Internships in Central and South New Jersey
Middlesex County E.L.I.T.E. Youth One-Stop Center Internships – New Brunswick
Ages: 16-24 years old
Application Due: See website for individual program details
Open to Middlesex County residents only, this program offers free remote training for youth not enrolled in another youth or educational training program, intending to provide a pathway to full-time employment. Paid training is provided and individuals who complete certification are guaranteed a 3-month internship, with the goal of permanent employment.
New Jersey Department of Labor Internship Program – Trenton
Ages: High School students, undergraduate students, and graduate students
Application Due: TBD; 2021 deadline was May 22
This six-week paid internship runs during the summer. Its main location is based out of Trenton, through placement at additional field locations is possible. Students have the opportunity to work in their choice of fields, including public safety, finance, accounting, IT, communications, marketing, and more. Approximately 37 applicants were selected for this summer program last year.
Ocean County Historical Society Internships – Toms River
Ages: High school, college, and graduate students
Application Due: Rolling applications
The OC Historical Society offers an internship/community service opportunity for students with an interest in its work. Students accepted help with projects to maintain the museum and research center while assisting with projects like library inventory, exhibit research, and maintenance of the grounds and garden.
Lenape Regional High School District Service Opportunities – Multiple Locations
Ages: Varies by program
Application Due: Varies by program
This site is a valuable resource for volunteer and internship opportunities. It lists openings from organizations such as the Red Cross, local animal shelters, the state parks system, Fort Dix, the American Cancer Society, and more.
S.W.A.G. – Camden
Ages: 14-19 years old
Application Due: Mid-to-late June; 2021 application deadline was June 21
This program is designed to give a work opportunity to students in an organized five-week summer youth employment program. Applications require an interview, and those chosen must be available to work four days a week for five weeks. Passing grades are a prerequisite.
Atlantic County Workforce Development Board Internship Program – Multiple Locations
Ages: 16-24 years old
Applications Due: No due date listed; 2021 application deadline was May 20
The AC Workforce Development Board offers this program during the summer, providing quality jobs to about 80 students in 2021. Students have the opportunity to work for multiple businesses, with an average salary of $12/hour, during an approximately 25 hours a week commitment.
Gloucester County Board of Chosen Commissioners Internship Opportunities – Woodbury
Ages: High school and college-age students
Applications Due: Varies
This county-run program works with a variety of organizations to offer non-paid internship programs. College students can download and submit applications from the link; high school students should first contact their school guidance counselor to arrange for school credit.
Cape May Zoo Internship Program & Jr. Zoo Keeper Program
Ages: 10-15 (Jr. Zoo Keeper Program), high school and college students (internships)
Application Due: Varies
Look no further than the Cape May Zoo to keep your teen busy this summer. It offers a few different animal-centric opportunities, including zookeeping internships and a Junior Zoo Keeper Program for kids ages 10-15 years old—where younger kids with an interest in zoo keeping can begin to learn the basics. Last year's internship program was announced in early March on its Facebook page.