Dual Language and Immersion Preschools in Atlanta

Dual language and immersion preschools introduce multiple languages to young learners. Photo by Canva
Dual language and immersion preschools introduce multiple languages to young learners. Photo by Canva
8/16/24 - By Melanie Preis

Dual language and immersion preschools offer young children the chance to learn a second (possibly third) language and explore outside cultures. According to research, there are many benefits to introducing children into an immersive learning environment: biliteracy is good for brain development; learning language is easier for young kids; and students build strong social connections.

Here's some of the great Atlanta preschools that offer dual language education and immersion programs. Note: Some traditional Atlanta preschools now offer immersion classes and curriculum, so ask schools about language programs they may have recently adopted.

Places featured in this article:

Early Learning Center at Atlanta International School

Atlanta Trilingual Academy

International Academia of Smyrna

Da Vinci International School

Omni International School